Its my 6th bow, and best one yet. ONly took me 8months. 66" NTN, 56lbs@28", rawhide backed, whitetail deer antler tips, timber rattler skins, baseball stitched braintanned deer hide handle, leather arrow rest. I have been saving these antlers for years, thought I would like it, but with the timber rattlers, not much contrast. But its ok. [img width=450 height=600][/img]
Thanks guys, Hey Bails, I will be in the Bristol/Bath area all next week. Guess you are 80 miles away. Are you close? Any archery events happening? I plan on driving around wales on Wednesday.
Gotta be honest, I am not a huge fan of the snake skin look. But building your own bow is sweet. Someday I want to give it a try!
Bet those two timber rattlers wasn't happy about the skin look either. Reason I put skins on em, is under it is rawhide. I rawhide for insurance for safety. Bad news is rawhide does not like to get wet. And its kinda plain. So an easy solution is to put skins on and basically waterproofs it, and camo's it. This is only my 5th or 6th bow, so when my confidense builds, I will have just a plain wood back.
Awesome bow Mark. I am seriously big time impressed with your bow making skills. That is something I would love to learn how to do one day. I am not really good with that type of work but I would be willing to give it a try.
Thanks VA, but I am still really a novice. Usually I miss some detail, and in the end it comes out mediocre. But this one is actually the first one that came together all around.
Hey Mark I missed your reply , would have been great to meet up , I'm not to far from Wales either . Let me know if you're still about , I'll take time off work to meet up if you get this message in time .
Flyin out of Heathrow in the AM. I will probably be back in a few weeks. Too bad we didn't get to meet. I worked from sun up til sun down it seems. Take care
Damn , PM me next time you're here and we'll meet for a beer or coffee and you can share your knowledge of Trad hunting and all other stuff Trad .
Good deal. I will give you a PM in a few weeks. Holy cow, I about wrecked like 5 times. Been a long time since I drove on the left side. Just couldn't get my head on straight. Spent most of my time in Wales, and Cornwall this time.
what is it you do again , I was the same when I came over to Colorado , wrong side of the road and all that . Makes for an exciting road trip buddy , take it easy , look forward to hearing from ya