Self Filming Professional Hunter Bucky Downs Passes Away (Satire)

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Joe Bear, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. Joe Bear

    Joe Bear Weekend Warrior

    Aug 11, 2013
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    The Hunting Community Mourns The Loss Of Bucky Downs​

    There are few that become celebrity hunters. Many may try but few ever enter, Bucky was one of the few. His revolutionary podcasts to go along with his own television show catapulted him to iconic hunter status. Bucky made famous the phrase that now countless hunters use, "down goes bucky". This of course is a play on words based off of his name and the fact that he would say it every time he shot a mature, antlered whitetail. He was known for being a straight shooter who repeatedly offered helpful insight to hunters everywhere. He routinely would tell people to try new things like hunt with the wind in your favor and don't waste your time putting doe urine in a mock scrape when you can just use your own.
    His loss has already created a large void felt by others. Fellow celebrity hunters and brothers Clark and Berry Hurley issued this statement on their site Hurley Outdoors, "We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Bucky Downs, our thoughts and prayers go out to his family at this time." Others from the hunting community have offered their thoughts as well. Will Heinke recently said on his latest episode of Go Hunt In November, "Man, I just don't know what to say, this is a hard time for us all." Todd Barr and Justin Braff from the famous online show Hunt With Archery Equipment Or Suffer The Loss Of Your Life offered their condolences and even started a thread on their forum celebrating the life of Bucky Downs.
    Bucky Downs was just twenty-eight years old. The police report issued by the Warshington County Police Department in southeast Ohio stated that Bucky had accidently merged onto oncoming traffic. This was due to the fact that he was filming an interview of himself while he was driving down the interstate. While driving to his favorite hunting spot, Bucky decided to turn is video camera on and update all of his viewers on his hunting season and strategy for his upcoming hunt. It was at this time as his eyes were focused on the camera that he veered out of his lane. His vehicle collided with two others. Thankfully, no one else was seriously injured in this accident. Remember to drive safe my friends!
  2. Joe Bear

    Joe Bear Weekend Warrior

    Aug 11, 2013
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    SE Kansas
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