I live in new jersey. better yet jersey city. and i have never seen a deer here. there are no deer for around 70 miles from here. at 1:30am i was walking my dog and seen one behind a high school across the street in the middle of the city a 8 point buck. buged me out
Ha, I was driving in Carolina Beach, NC, right on a small road lined with houses and condos on both sides at 4:30 on my way to get the boat out of the slip, saw three bucks rigth in the middle of the road. It was a 10 and two smaller 8's that made up one heck of a weird batchelor party. Guess they liked the beach.
Last year, a buddy and I were driving on the interstate in Louisville, and saw a deer in the grassy area beside an exit ramp. It was pretty cool
I'll play... I live in a small town with little wood lots in the area. A year ago I was driving home, from a hunt out of town, low and behold I see two doe crossing the highway right smack dab in city! It's amazing how they can use 2-5 acre woodlots to their advantage, slipping in and out unoticed.
I was driving through Chillicothe, OH last Monday and a deer ran across the street in front of me and through Taco Bell's parking lot. It was quite amusing and luckily I had a witness with me because I was even questioning it myself... ;o)