Here in West KY our herd was impacted by CWD in '07 due to severe drought conditions along with a dissapointing acorn crop. Jan '09 we had a devistating ice storm (6 inches) that destroyed many of our trees; completely killing the tree or at best breaking out the tops along with many of its major branches. Thus, we have an overabundance of undergrowth, and much more browse than I ever remember. To get to the point we have seen an explosion of does with twins and triplets in our area, is anyone else experiencing what we are or am I on to something? Is this an example of mother nature repopulating itself? Just theorizing here...
I have seen more twins this year than any other year I can remember. A massive acorn crop in 07. A horrible acorn drop last year. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.
I would also have to say that I have seen more shooter bucks so far this year than other years past. I travel up and down the road several hundred miles a week by means of rubber tires and steel wheels crossing some inexcessable ground that you can only get to on the rail.
Doe's have always layed down twins in my parts, singles and trip's are rare around these parts of the woods
Dont want to start anything here but are you sure about CWD?? Are you sure it wasnt EHD???? Not doubting because I am not familiar with your area.. Just curious.
From what I've been seeing in my area Fawns are way down due to a extremely wet spring and coyote population explosion. What are you other Mich guys seeing as far as fawns go in your area?
For the first time in several years I havent seen too many if any twins and triplets on our property, havent even gotten any on the game cam.