Had my first hunt of the season last night ...longbow off the ground at my bear bait. Bait was ripped to shreds, trail cam pix of two solid boars hitting the bait daily and all hours of the day. Pix of the bear at my bait 20 minutes before I arrived to check the camera ... nothing came in as I was limited last night to the last hour of daylight after work.. Got up at daylight and restocked the bear bait this mornign before work...Today, after work getting in much earlier and hoping to either get a shot at one tonight or gonna sit it all day tomorrow (no work friday)! Hoping to break this longbow in.. before whitetails and elk opens Sunday. Filming myself with a tripod over the shoulder in my natural ground blind.. 12-25 yards from the bait I posted a few pix of the bear tc pix in my team 5 bowhunting contest thread..
Hope everytyhing falls into place for you shed , i'm wishing them in for you fella . Good luck , I wanna see them pictures of your longbow kill .
Thanks Guys, No luck last night, had a sow and 3 cubs on the bait that was it.. First sign of a sow in there.. Didnt go tonight because the wind was horrible today for that set up. Gonna give it a whirl in the A.M. if the wind is good.
Just walked in the door from my morning bear hunt. Had a great time! Bear came into the bait at 8 am. Completey circled the bait and me getting within 10 yards of me in the brush behind me as he made a very cafeful circle. After about 30 minutes he made his way to the bait coming in directly down wind. I filmed it all with my cam setting next to me on the tripod. He came in at 12-15 yards and stayed for 20 minutes feeding on the bait. I sized him up and decided to let him go. As bad as I wanted to break this longbow in, I just couldnt shoot the young boar. It was a blast though. Once the thermals kicked in around 9 am I got up and left. Bears again this evening and then bucks and bulls open in the morning!
Awesome, I would of had a real hard time passing up on that bear, especially when I'd be chasing those other critters you mentioned in the morning! I hope you stick one tonight!
Exciting stuff there Troy!!! You had a hell of allot more action then I had In 5 days of hunting In Mn. Keep at It and good luck getting that 1st traditional kill.
Not done bear hunting guys, just gonna hit the elk and bucks hard until sept 30th then our deer/elk season closes for 10 days ... only bears are open, I am keeping my bait going for Ryan when he comes out for elk this week incase he tags out early on elk. Then on the 1st of OCt when Bear is open for those 10 days I am gonna hunt it hard and get me a shot (hopefully) with my trad bow.. Bear closes Oct 31, lots of time left. Thanks all for you kind comments. Its weird having so many WANTS and not enough time right now to do them all. I just cant sacrifice whitetails or elk right now for bear..
Man, I sure would love to get a chance at a bear someday. I guess Ill have to settle with a Texas bear. AKA, wild hog.
well my week of no elk or deer season is here, time to restock the bait tonight and see what happens this week!