Well it was a dead deer for sure and I am not knocking the rage, this is just what happen. The bent blade went right throw the back bone and cut the cord. It did bend a bit and after my second deer with the rage I am thinking this will be my turkey BH. It's a good head for sure, just not for me.
Gary bro, glad to here your wackin em and stackin em. The Rages ARE excellent broadheads for Turkeys. I have killed three birds with them and all arrows have held fast in them. I have only tried them on a Doe last Fall with good results, so im still in the testing stage there. But for birds, Ill keep using them congrats Missy :p:D
This was my first time using them. Broadside shot through the rib and stuck inside the opposite shoulder.
You guys need to learn how to miss those bones.:D I've killed 4 deer with the same head and blades. All complete pass thrus and stuck in the dirt. Sharpen it up and slice thru another one.
I found them to be One Shot only blades as well. I used them on all 3 bucks thus far this year, great results. On my first deer, I didn't compensate enough for the wind and the arrow blew over right into his front shoulder....It blew cleanly through severing the shoulder bone in half and buried deep into the offside shoulder. My second and third bucks were quartering away hard and had complete pass throughs basically the length of the body. ALL deer went down within 200 yards max, mainly because they gained momentum running directly downhill. Ironically, the only animal I have ever lost was with a rage on a turkey....blew clean through her but it didn't keep her from picking up and flying off never to be found. I'll keep using them for both, especially now that I know it CAN blow through the shoulder if it has to, although I try to avoid it like the plague. I probably won't ever use a different turkey head unless I switch to head shots.
JMO. As long as I get my deer, I don't mind throwing another $20 for replacement blades. I'm confident with them and that means a lot to me personally.
Same here! Even when I do have a broadhead emerge unscathed, I still replace the blades as I can never seem to sharpen stuff correctly to the point where I am satisfied with it.
Yeh I say so...I mean Gary, what do you think would happen with a Muzzy or Slick Trick blade? I would say they would likely bend too, at least the Muzzy did for me.
I look at it a different way, for all the guys who say they suck and fail and so on and so forth...look a rage went through a bone and did not fail. Germ, you just put alot of guys shooting woes on display, you know the ones who keep loosing deer because of the broadhead...but keep shooting them:D Congrats on then deer, you are on fire man.
I tried a head and stated it was not for me for deer, that was it. The G5 striker broke, and killed the deer and I don't shoot it now. I don't think the SL would have bent simple based on the length of the blades, I also don't think the SL would have caught the spine in this case. I happen to like the rage, hell it's 2 for 2:p
I shot three deer with the Rage two blade heads last year. All three were complete pass throughs. All three bled like nothing I've ever seen before. One was a just under the spine just as your hit was. My head looked exactly like yours did, it bent one blade. I had mixed feelings also, but kept shooting them and still shooting them this year because I have never seen the damage caused by these heads. The other two deer were killed with the same head and could have used the same blades, but I changed them anyway. I will gladly change the blades on every deer rather than having to look for a drop of blood here and a drop of blood there. The only thing that I can compare the blood trail to is taking an oil plug out of a car and driving it. One deer squirted blood five feet into trees every bound he took. It was amazing. The one thing I don't understand is why Rage doesn't sit down and design a BH with the Rage design and the strength of a Slick Trick. It would be the best BH ever made.
Germ, I hope you did not quote me thinking I ment any malice towards your thread. I actually am so GLAD to see a reputable guy post some info on the rage head killing a deer even though it suffered some damage. All we ever here is the head is awsome or the head sucks...period. Those threads usually end up with people talking about each others mamas and hating each other. This shows the head is human, if you will and still works. I enjoyed your post ALOT for that aspect of it. Again congrats on the deer, and sorry for any confusion.
I am with you, I love the heads and have had no issues yet. I like to see posts like this that show the truths with pics and end results, no matter how good or bad they are. Truthful real life results. Dead deer (braodhead did it's job), bent broadhead (happens to alot of them).
All my rages thus far (minus the lost turkey, it came out unscathed) have come out twisted or mangled as far as the blades go. That said, on my first buck this year, It blew through his shoulder bone just above where the knuckle is, and cut it clean in half. Most people's ONLY negative with big blades is the fear of bone, which I just don't share the same opinion NOW after shooting that buck. Shooting like 78 ft/lbs KE with 500 grn arrows doesn't hurt either! :D Here is what a Rage does to a front shoulder.
Mark Dury shot a doe with a rage in one of their DVD's and I was impressed with what a devastating lethal blow from the incision that was left! It looked like it was shot with a .44 Mag. I won't use them, but I was impressed.