Well guys and gals i gotta tell you i am pumped to say the least. Illinois bow season opens october 1 and i cant wait to get in a tree. This year i am really excited to be filming and hunting a new piece of property, i have hung my stands and trimmed all my lanes in hope of having a bruiser buck walk thru one of them this fall. I have spent countless evenings in the yard fine tunning my bow and i feel confident that io can put the arrow in the sweet spot this season. It never fails we always start talking about next season as the last one ends and before we know it its upon us again. I want to wish everyone a safe and succesful season this year. Remember its not always about shooting the biggest buck in the woods but the experiences we encounter while afield. I cant wait to see what everyone ends up harvesting this season, i can only hope i get to share my harvest with you all on video as well as on line here at bowhunting.com, best of luck to you guys this season and remember hunt safe and shoot straight. For you guys that dont own a safety vest get one its worth every pennie i dont wanna hear of a fellow hunter ion the site here falling and worst case dieing pick one up before you guys venture out this season.
Just drove by my spot and the corn was being harvested. Stopped real quick down the road and found the other farmer is getting ready to cut the beans in the next week. Gonna be strange having bare fields October 1st but I think I like it!
Yeah if you look at my "live in stand" posts tonight the farmer just showed up when I was on stand and starting cutting the corn. Completly caught me by suprise. It will be interesting and a new experiance for me having the crops out this early. Should be fun.
I think it will make for a better season to have the crops out earlier. The deer will have less places to hide which will push them back into the woods where we will be waiting to ambush them.
Thanks Shed, good luck to you also. The crops going down is good but I have 120 acres to hunt that is all fence rows, the closest woods is 300 yds away. I was looking forward to smacking a couple on their way to and from. Now the crops are gone and that spot probably wont be as great.
I'm with ya richie, i'm pumped as well, knowing I have some studs on my farm and hoping to capture good footage of the hunts on film!
deer season opens up tomorrow morning.... a property that i hunt, the farmer is good friends with my father, so i wanted to ride along with him in the combine last night. We saw deer after deer in the corn, walking 10 rows over from us...I wish i had my camera with me it was pretty neat to see to say the least , never rode along in the combine before
Texas opens this weekend and I already find myself laying awake at night thinking of everything I need to get done before saturday.....Im sure its only gonna get worse.