Hello everybody. I just returned from a family vacation and it looks like things have been going well for the team. BACKSTRAP- congrats of the double! Truely a job well done. Sounds like many of you will be on vacation in the coming week. I hope you have a taxidermy bill on the back end of your vacations. I will be off for 5 days over the two week stretch beginning on the 4th. I was out on Sunday evening and had a 2-1/2 year old running some buck fawns out of the food plot. Fun to watch, but still waiting for the great pumpkin to appear.
Heading out tonight to the farm, going to be hunting tomorrow through Monday, hoping the deer will be on their feet!!
Just checked cams. Let's just say the north wind last Friday that was wrong for my favorite stand SUCKED. The big 8 I was after last year finally showed back up at 430 and was 20 yds from that stand for 10 minutes. Will post a pic when I get to WiFi Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Bittersweet. Very happy to see he is alive and well but disappointed at the same time for the missed opportunity. This is only the 2nd time in 2 yrs I have gotten a pic of him in daylight. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Don't sweat, Page.. he'll be back! Good luck, WISC! I'm working straight through the weekend, but will be heading out to the cabin Sunday night to kick off 2 weeks of rutcation!! Watched a young 6 point walk by 20 yards from my back patio at noon on Monday. Then had a small 8 standing in the neighbor's front yard at 6pm yesterday. It's starting to heat up and I'm freakin pumped, to say the least! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck with him Page! Lots of (hopeful) chasing and trolling around here now, but I've only seeing the youngsters lately. -fsh
4 hrs and counting to vacation. Makes for a long day lol. Going to head out this evening hoping for a doe. Warm and windy but have to try. Weather the end of next week looks to be cooling off. Fingers crossed Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Things have picked up a bit in the last 2 days. Have seen a few small bucks and does the last day and a half. Dad saw a nice 8 yesterday but no shot. Weather looks like crap the next few days but I will be out regardless. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Was out at the cabin with Scott (buckeye) the last 2 days.. didn't see anything yesterday, but swapped out cards and things are looking good.. We covered a lot of ground scouting new areas today, because the wind (and temps) are absolutely horrible for my spots. I'm back in town tonight and I'll likely go nanny-whackin on local, public land tomorrow. Back out to the cabin Thursday, along with the rain and "cold" front (and wind-shift). Feeling pretty stoked!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quick update. My vacation starts tomorrow so I will be in a tree stand. This buck was killed on my lease this morning by another hunter: This buck was killed Sunday morning on my other lease by one of my best friends less than 200 yards from a stand I was hunting that same morning: Good news is we have bigger deer in the area and hope to get on one in the next week or two - same deer here in the next 3 photos: Also have several other shooters that have moved in including this guy:
Awesome! I hunted my crp stand this morning. Turns out I should have been there the last 2 nights. I promise you that the next evening w a South wind I will be in that stand early with extremely high hopes. Storms moving in now. Will be hunting over scrapes tomorrow morning with a North wind. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Well, it's been such a slow week I have decided to go back to work Monday. Going to try to work 10s so I will be off next Friday and the entire following week. Looks like it's finally going to get down to mid 50s for a high by then so hope daylight activity picks up. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
Congrats on the buck. Back on vacation in 15 minutes lol. Going to vote and get cleaned up for an evening hunt. Weather is finally getting here Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk