Screwed the pooch tonight, I had him and blew it Got word of a Big ten crossing the street yesterday, I found out where and found his tracks. I set two sets to ambush him coming out of the bed. On the way out I crossed a huge scrape 50 yds from my set. I told myself to move the stand, but I did not. At 6:30 there was nice buck down there messing around. He looked to be a shooter I am hunting the next month every day, I am moving that stand tomorrow for sure. I hate it when I out hunt myself, LOL
Go get him Germ!! I think you meant screwed the "Pooch", not Pouch. Or not. I forgot, this is Germ we are talking about here.:D
yeah i would say theres plenty of time to do least you get to see the deer moving and adjust accordingly.
Look at it this way. You've seen how that buck approaches the scrape. Set up on that side of the scrape and wait for the right wind and sit it a couple of times. You should be able to get on him again. Good luck.