Thanks Ty I've myself never scored a deer but I think this will help when the time comes and I'm sure glad good old Ty Miller is on my team lol. J/k about the old part Buddy
People also need to realize that pictures make a big difference on what a buck looks like. Don't be quick to call someone out because he didn't hold his deer out and sit 10 yards behind it. Contest is just for fun. If someone wants to cheat to win a hat then go for it. Not knocking the prizes....people take too seriously. With that 20 looks prime to repeat! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Pictures can and the funny thing is you see it so often it's scary how one can truly start to realize how much "inflation" is being caused. This is not contest centered or an attack on anyone...that thing is for fun, this thread is for folks seriously desiring to better and more properly score their deer.
Sore point or am I taking your post out of context? Like you said who cares what a buck scores its all in fun but if you are going to do anything you should do it correctly else why bother. Pictures can be misleading like you said but the tape doesn't lie. Good luck to team 20!!
I think one of the most common mistakes I'll find when someone has me come score theirs (not official scorer) is for some reason they exaggerated the mass measurements the most and did truly try to find that line where the tine truly starts...or they'll use something that stretches to measure with.
I often find people are confused on the number of mass measurements to take... I have seen people taking more than 4 on typical 12s and higher or only 3 on a typical 8
Yep thanks this thread was helpful I had only been take 3 circumference measures on my 8 points as the form I'd used wasn't clear about H4 Just glad I learned as one on my wall that I thought was only ~121" is actually 125"+ P & Y
Yeah that is a common is folks somehow coming up with insane circumferences as well at times it seems. Congrats sounds like a nice one!
Whatcha talking about, that deer was every bit of 170+....... I took him down in scoring as not to embarrass Angles of pictures make a difference, unless your standing right there looking at the deer, I find it hard to call someone out. With that said, a spike buck scored at 110 is an obvious mistake))) Dave