Well I scored a little new land this weekend. Its only about 1200 acres!! It's my grandfather's brothers place. He was at my Aunt's 50th B-Day party and we got to talking. I asked him if anyone hunted his land. He said he doesn't let anyone hunt it, I said "ok". He then replied with, "You can hunt it anytime you want though" I'm the only grandson out of my grandfather or his two brothers. So that helped a little:d The thing is the land is in Atoka, Oklahoma. I don't know much about hunting up there with those Northerners:d except that you have to wear hunter orange during rifle and muzzleloader season. So, my brothers from about 100 miles north, any help?
Only 1200 acres??!! You lucky dog Jim!!! That many acres could turn Into something big for you If you want It to. Good luck with the new land!!!
That is outstanding. Ask your grandpa if he wants another grand kid or two, I am sure there are some on here that will be more than willing to be adopted. Congrats on the new place!
Jim, being a native Texan and now an imported Oklahoman I can tell you will find that the liscence program is way different. The last time I bought a Texas liscense was 5 years ago, if I remember correct you buy one liscence w/ all the tags. In Ok you have to buy a liscense and then a tag for each animal you intend to hunt. It gets pretty expensive if you arent careful. I got a lifetime and I figured that this past year in tags and liscense I would have spent about 150 bucks. Give that 5 years and the lifetime paid for itself.
From what I understand you can put out a feeder/corn on private land. Is this true? Not sure I will hunt over it much, but it will help me in the off season to get a good grasp of what caliber deer are in the area via trailcam
I leased some land around Antlers last year. For license, it ran $201 for a buck/doe tag $51 for an additional tag and I could have picked up another for $51. This is just for archery. You have to start the process all back over if you plan to hunt with a rifle, my dad did and burnt $251. All license end December 31 too so if you plan on hunting the last 2 weeks of season, your license process starts back over. Since you will prbably be on the land for more than a year, youll bee able to pick them up Jan 1 and have them the rest of the year though. If you plan on hunting anything else, you have to buy a hunting license. IIRC, it was another $150, this is for turkey or predator hunting. Not sure if you are a hog hunter but in texas we hunt them at night, you prob already know that, but in Ok it is illegal, even on private land. You have to have a deer license to hunt deer no matter what and the basic license to hunt anything else. Yes, it was a pain in the butt and I am not hunting it again. I probably would though in your case since your land is free, I was out $600 just for the lease. As far as corn, its totally legal. I check with a game warden.
I tell you what their whole lisence/tag program here is way to complex, it took me 2 years to really figure it out. As babyburb said feeders/corn completely legal (dont tell the natives I said this but most of em have to have it to kill) LOL If you really and truly are looking to hunt this land for a long time, get a lifetime nonresident definately worth the chips in the long run.
What's that? Jim is gonna set foot in the dreaded state of OKLAHOMA?! :d The man to ask would be Dubbya. He knows that general area (I think). As far as license, they are telling you right. And yes, you can set out corn.