OK, so I am looking to get into bow hunting myself. I have in mind what I want. But the thought occurred to me that if I come home with a new bow, my son is going to go NUTS! So I think the smart thing to do would be to get him something at the same time. Here's the problem. . . he's 6. And he's a bit on the immature side. Not at all sure right now how much he can pull or what his draw length might be. Not at all certain he even understands pin sites either. But I know he is going to want to do this with me. My question is. . .should I go ahead and get him something like this. . . http://www.amazon.com/Diamond-Atomi...TF8&qid=1447340761&sr=8-3&keywords=youth+bows It says it is adjustable from 6-29 lbs. which ought to be enough to get him started. It is also adjustable without a bowpress so I can adjust it for him as he grows. What are your thoughts? For those of you with young sons, how old were they when you got them their first "real" bow?
Make sure he can support the weight of those bows. We bought the atomic because it was a lot more weildy than the others with him being smaller. It's been a great bow. If you're not sure it'll be something he'll want to do you could always save some cash and go with like a bear brave.