What steps do you guys take to eliminate your scent when taking down and putting up trail cameras?? I don't do anything special when retrieving cameras but Im thinking about doing more to keep from leaving my scent around cameras. Wearing rubber boots and gloves will be first step. Walking from now on instead of taking 4 wheeler halfway. Using scent spray also.
One thing i also do is try to only put cameras in places deer expect you to be. Like field edges and and along major trails. I never put cameas at the same place i plan on hunting. Ive also heard of people driving their atv right to the camera so you never even put your feet kn the ground. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
I never use a scent elimination product around my mineral sites anymore. I have found over the past 6 years that it is a waste of money to spray them down each time I went into put them up, pull the chip or pull them. I never saw a difference in visits to the site scent free or stinky. Now having said that you also need to know that I never hunt the mineral sites either. When I use my camera over scrape or at a multiple trail crossing site that I plan to hunt its a totally different story. Can't be to careful in those senarios so I try and keep things as scent free as possible. I also like to freshen the scrape with doe pee if its a scrape setup. On cross trails I use a little interdigital scent right at the junction. They seem to stop and whiff it allowing me to get better pictures that way.
I agree with Bone Head, I never use any form of scent elimination products when putting out my cameras or checking them. I have spent the day trimming trees, setting up funnels etc. sweating like crazy, putting out a trail camera and an hour after leaving I have pictures of deer on there. It is a fallacy in my opinion.
Bear&Bonehead are right. I have been sweating like hell for the last 4 trips to do stands and trim shooting lanes.Most of my cams are at mineral sites so the deer are associating my scent with the mineral that they crave. This is the same theory that is used when baiting bears. Having said that,I practice strick scent control while hunting.
On my mineral sites I think the deer are used to me being there so I don't do anything special. I never go too close to the bedding areas though. I try to catch some trails going to and from but I never move in to close. Otherwise I just try to be as clean as possible and wear rubber boots. Blessings........Pastorjim
For just cameras not to much but rubber boots and make it quick. Also don't touch any foliage. When I made some mock scrapes I sprayed, wore latex gloves, and scent blocker clothing bc it was 100 out and I was sweating.