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Scent Elimination Products

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Justin, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. GregH

    GregH Legendary Woodsman

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Nice! :deer:
  2. Dr Andy

    Dr Andy Weekend Warrior

    Jul 29, 2008
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    I agree with Todd to a point. I still think reducing the odor we put out helps to a degree. I believe the less human scent there is the better. The deer may feel it's an old scent or a distant one. Pay close attention to the wind, but reduce as much scent as you can.
  3. LAEqualizer

    LAEqualizer Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Montgomery, LA
    I wonder how many other hunters do not use the scent elimination products. I myself will use them for the 1% if that is all I can get out of them. When the doe blows, I wanna know I at least tried to hunt the wind and kill my scent as much as possible. I think Scent Elim. and cover scent goes back a lot further than just a few years though.

    Disclaimer: I will not argue the fact that the wind is your best protection.

  4. shed

    shed Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 26, 2008
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    From a biological standpoint deer like many prey animals process protein based scent molecules and translate the varying concentrations of those odors into varying degrees of danger then they simply react/behave based on associations they have learned over time... to the stimulus. For instance if a buck picks up your wind 500 yards away he will be picking up a much weaker concentration of protein molecules than he would if he cut your same scent stream at 20 yards. Will he behave differently? Most likely, yes. You've all watched that big buck a time or two in your life well of in the distance cut your wind and stop, scent check then move on. He as with any deer that has been pressured or hunted by predators/humans will through a lifetime of associating varying molecular levels/concentrations of odor; behave according to what he has learned to associate as immediate danger levels, moderate danger levels and low level danger of obtrusive scent molecules. If a deer did not have the capability to do so they would simply jump out of their HIDE each and ever time a wolf, mt. Lion, bear, coyote or human scent molecule passed through their nasal passaqes. They don't they are equipped to determine varing degrees.

    All this being said, myself as a whitetail hunter and one that doesn't hunt flat ground with prevailing winds, instead mountains, canyons, big timber country I always do everything in my ability to MINIMIZE.. not eliminate, but mimimize the amount of threatening human odor I am leaving in the woods. I make sure to always play the wind the very best I can. Yet,while hunting for a particular deer, an elk, a moose, a bear another deer etc. can and will at times pass by and get downwind of me. Usually elk in my case. My goal is to minimize my scent enough to where animals that get downwind pick up a much lower level of scent molecules and inturn they almost always behave as they are moderately to fairly sure something is around but rarely and I mean rarely do they ever blow or give up my position.

    I started using scent lok, Vanishing hunter BFS...arm and hammer baking soda (to clean my rubber boots) Scent away products and H.S. products religiously while whitetail bowhunting over 10 years ago and can not count the number of times I have had critters downwind bowclose...that mearly acted like I was several hundred yards away. I have had a couple big bucks bust me and a couple cow elk, but far less than the mature bucks I have killed downwind or the crossed my path to my stand or ground blind.

    Still there is nothing like having the wind in your face when the animal you want comes into range..but where I hunt whitetails are pressured by hardcore predators, bowhunters and two months of rifle season right through their rut, they tolerate very little and they will pinpoint your set up well after dark if you contaminate it with lots of human odor. Residual scent left behind is something I persnonally take very seriously because I often target specfic bucks outside of the rut in their core living areas, I have very little options as to where I can kill them during their minimal daylight movements. I have to be able to hunt a spot more than a couple times without contaminating it. They are masters at finding a guys stands/blinds while scent checking at night while roaming around, I want to leave as little behind after I exit.

    I know I get picked up at times, i've witnessed it; then again I have watched some hawgs that took me 2-3 years to kill get tense but then move on without blowing. Winds and thermals in this country do not play fair. They are not predictable unless you set up on top of a ridgeline then they are pretty decent. But to hunt the bucks using the other areas than ridgelines it's either find a method that gives you the best chance or sit at home waiting on what will never be an absolute prefect wind.

    Like everyone has said above.. to each their own and as far as $ goes. I can buy all the scent lok, scent minimizing products I need per season for the cost of two nights down at the local bar..

  5. Ben/PA

    Ben/PA Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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    Hughesville, PA
    Well said Shed.
  6. dukemichaels

    dukemichaels Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 24, 2008
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  7. OHbowhntr

    OHbowhntr Die Hard Bowhunter

    Jul 27, 2008
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    SE Ohio
    As a "skinhead," I can agree with you here.

    As for me, what I use is probably different than most, and I haven't yet killed my first B&C, but I've missed 2 of them in the last 3yrs. :bash: :cry: I first start out washing ALL OF MY CLOTHES, including my bed sheets, blankets, comforter, etc, in ALL: Free and Clear (scent and perfume free) Detergent, I then use a "Scent-Free" softener and DRYER SHEET!!! Yep, I DRY my clothes, rather than hang them on a line. My cover is a generous but not overwhelming mist of WR Autumn Blend, sprayed on my outers and boots once I get to the "rendevous point." I keep my HUNTING BOOTS in the box I bought them in, and don't put them on until I am out of my truck at the hunting site. I use a "Silver Ion" antimicrobial base layer, some of it is X-scent, some X-static, some off brand, but that stuff will be RIGHT AGAINST MY skin. I use a lightweight Neck Gaiter for my facemask/BALD HEAD cover, and pull it up over the back of my head, and then over my mouth and nose to suppress/eliminate the odor emitted from my mouth and nose. For toiletry, I use Hunter's Specialty body soap, and MITCHUM scent-free deodorant. Note, I also use a small amount of BUCK Urine on my boot soles as cover/attractant depending on time of year.
  8. peakrut

    peakrut Facebook Admin

    Jul 27, 2008
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    You will be trying Nullo this coming season.;)
  9. in da woods

    in da woods Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    S.E. Wisconsin
    I use the scent blocker base layer. as for soap, I like the new dead down wind stuff. don't know if it all works, but never been busted by smell.

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