Two days ago i was shooting the 3D target a buddys back yard and i had the first scary moment shooting a bow....when i was fully drawn back with an arrow bow exploded.....but the thing is i had the owner of the bow shop i go to looked at my strings and cables just a few days ago and he said that the strings and cables could possibly be good for another year or i sat down and looked carefully one of the cables broke where it was served at....about an inch from the end of the sucks cause oklahoma bow season opens in two weeks and now i got to spend money for new strings and cables....and i know what people are thinking...has it been dry fired...well i bought it from my best friend and i know for sure he has never dry fired broke my arrow into 3 peices and broke my cable slide where my rest connects....does any one have a simaliar story or ever heard of anything like this happening????
Older fast flight strings were notorious for letting go without warning once they had their time. Luckily mine only let go while in the case (2x's) after being in storage. (I used to go to sea for long periods.) The newer string materials tend to hold up better and give some signs of wear before giving up the ghost but you should still follow the recommendation to replace them every year with heavy use or every 2 years at most.
You actually got lucky...on a few fronts....some people would have to purchase a new bow or hospital care. Coulda been worse man.
It could have exploded on stand with a buck of a lifetime under your tree! Id consider it lucky that it broke and you have 2 weeks to get a new setup. Glass is half full!
Yes you were definately very lucky not to end up injured and I would say having to spend the money on cables and strings would be minor compared to what couldve happened Vapor Trail makes a very good string! Dont go cheap...U will regret it!
man that is scary, i try and do my best ot inspect my bow each time before i shoot it but stuff happens and who's to say there was anything visably wrong with it??? just glad you are ok!
yea it should be ready to roll by tuesday...see the thing is that my buddy had the strings and cables reserved last no one could tell if they were in bad shape or not....has any one ever seen a bow blow up like that.....? and i do consider my self lucky by not getting hurt....