Let Ole SB set something scrait..... As an Old United Stastes Army Combat Aviator...there is nothing unethical or unfair about killing things from Whirly Bird. Hell If that Hog could fly...you don't think he'd kill ya ? Kill them... Kill Them all. SB thats what I say.
Hogs are more than plentiful in a lot of parts of the state... Like TxJourneyman said, there is no limit or season on these animal but it's the pay to play mentality that has taken over in Texas that keeps a lot of people from hunting them... They do grill up pretty good and can make for some darn good eats!!!! I have killed more than my fair share of them and they are a blast to chase around around with a bow... Stalking these varmints, is an absolute blast!!! I don't think it will make much difference if they allow them to be killed from the air or not, most common folks won't be able to afford it or won't justify the money it would cost to go do it!!!!