;_ylt=Agd83LhiH2x2G5CQ6BzgMe534T0D Whats the point? Takes all the fun out of it.
I don't blame the locals one bit for getting sick of all the hogs around there, they ruin anything and everything. Maybe If the Game and Fish Dept. would listen to the hunters of Texas a little more this wouldn't be a problem. Kanga (Russ) should have a few things to say on this subject.
No, Killin' them is cool with me. Hell, I'm jealous that we don't have that op up here, but using a helicopter? Seriously? THat would be fun if I could use a S.A.W., or 240Golf?, something along those lines. lol. Other than using the helos, I don't have a problem with any of this. I just think that they could find "some" hunters, "Somewhere" down there that would help these people out, right? Hell, they fly me down there, and I will pick them off for free! No need to fly around to do it. Just hire a Marine! lol. PS, can you eat that meat? or is it really bad, and stringy?
Sounds like they need to call Dubbya and his mottly crew across the boarder!!!:d :d Once hogs are turned loose in an area, you can't kill em fast enough. They will continue to multiply.
I agree Jeff... I'm runnin the red light to get my kid to the hospital... get me? Back to the pig situation... 1 Sow can be responsible for 100 piglets in a 12 month period. That's crop damage at it's finest. JM you need to come down with us!
It is kind of crazy. I just learned alot about these, on the Wild America show that was on the other day. Now I want to know. Do you eat these pigs? Or are they just trophies on the wall?
No you can eat the wild pigs, they taste just as good. I've had some myself, not bad at all. As for shooting from helicopters that would be tuff. If the Texas authorities really wanted them gone, open the season up to whomever, whenever as long as they have permission from the land owner. In Wi when the word got out about the feral pigs the areas were loaded up with hunter willing to harvest them. there are plenty of food banks to fill.
I have a better idea,lets gather up all PETA members and put them on an island.Then let these choppers catch these pigs and put them on the same island and see how long before the pigs eat them or they eat the pigs.
Small group??? Well, Kill them off!! Why wait till its a problem??? That's what started the whole issue in the first place! Easy solution. KILL THEM OFF!!
Heading to Texas tomorrow morning to kill some hogs myself. As far as ethics go, there is no season for hogs, so I see nothing wrong with. They are a pest and cause so much damage that I don't see a reason why the when or how of killing them should be limited.
I saw a couple years ago that "a few" were in Ohio. Now, there was a front page article in the paper about the problem certain areas of the state are having with them. I think it is time old Jimbo here wacks a few piggies. Of course, I'll have to figure out where they are first. Thank goodness not in my neck of the woods.
You had me for a minute. I've never looked forward to tax day (anyone else think it is ironic that tax day is the anniversary of Lincoln's death) so much:d Back to hogs... in the paper the DNR was asking for anyone who saw one to shoot it! Crazy talk for the hippy paper I get, but I enjoyed it.
No question that sportsmen could have a huge impact on the Texas hog population. I hog hunt whenever I get a chance. Its something that is a ton of fun and wild pork is just tasty. I have personally asked dozens of property owners for permission to hunt and the response is almost always about how much they want me tto pay. On two separate occasions I have overheard ranchers talking about problems with hogs. Once in a cafe and once in a feed store. I interuppted politely on both occasions and offered to help by bowhunting the hogs. I offered references from other property owners. On both occasions I was asked how much I was willing to pay per hog or per day. On both occasions I politely declined the opportunity to pay to hunt. I gave my card to each gentleman and asked them to call me if I could help resolve their hog problem for free. I haven't ever heard from them. I don't guess the problem was too awful bad
The season is open whenever. There is no season, they can be hunted year round. There is no bag limit, kill 163 if you want to. Use whatever legal weapon you want. To me the biggest problem with the issue is Texas' pay to hunt mentality. Food banks won't take the meat. They call it "Rough Meat". I personally like hog meat and if prepared and cared for correctly it is better than store bought pork. I have killed dozens of hogs and only one or two weren't fit for consumption.
And another thing. If this legislation passes, and I don't think it will, no.1, how will pilots determine which fence is a cross fence and which one is a property line. No.2 landowner permission will still be required and I guarantee there will be fees involved. If the landowners won't allow people to hunt on the ground for free I doubt they will let anyone hunt for free from the air. How many sportsmen do you think will be able to pay for an "Air hunting permit", helicopter and pilot fees and the landowner fees? Not many of my kind of crowd. there will be a few deep pocket guys that do it for the thrill. You know the ones, they'll pay $10,000 to shoot a hand fed 200" deer behind a high fence.