I thought my Nikon 440 was on the brink. It was only reading ranges of 25yds or so, otherwise blanking on me. Well, I started doing a little research, and found that there is a reset procedure to reset the electronics, and restore it's function!!! Saved me $200 I was thinking I was gonna need to spend before I head west for my Elk Hunt!!!! Hallelujah, what a relief. If any of you guys has a Nikon 440 that is acting up here is what you need to do to "reset" the electronics and hopefully restore function...... "Hold both the mode and power buttons down for 30 seconds simultaneously, and it SHOULD reset the electronics, and restore you're rangefinder to it's original working order." If this helps ONE GUY I'm gonna be very happy as it saved me $200-250 this morning when I reset mine.
Good to know. I wonder if it works on my Nikon Archer's choice. It's not acting up but I will try this if it does, thanks for the tip.
There was a guy in my local shop today and he was gonna try it on his that blanked last fall. Unfortunately, he's already bought a new RF, but at least he could potentially sell the 440 with a good conscience if he gets it reading again.
Need to write that little trick down in owners manual if it's not in there...yes I still have my box and manual!
YES, thank you soooo much! I was in the middle of filling out the form on the Nikon website, had them on the phone. I remembered this thread and gave it a go! It Worked!! You saved me the hassle and expense of shipping this back to nikon to get repaired! I personally don't need the rangefinder anymore but my son is going to be stoked! With that said, I'm thru with Nikon products! I've had these people on the phone 3 different times re guarding the problems with the range finder, not once did they tell me to try this resetting function. I've also had problems with a scope on my Coyote rifle a couple years back, I'm done with all Nikon products! They can bite me!
I'm with BHF. I sent back two 440's so far. I'm going to try this as soon as I get home as the one I have needs to be sent back and it was only in the field one time. BOY I hope this little trick works.
OFF TOPIC, but I picked up a Brunton Echo 440 from BassPro for $100, and it's probably better than the Nikon 550 that it looks just like, and has a "LIFETIME WARRANTY!!!" I found them other places on the net for as low as $155 as well. May be something to check into if you guys do go shopping again.