I head out to the woods to do some turkey hunting on Saturday. I only have the morning to hunt because of some family obligations. So I'm set up on a field in my blind with some dekes out. I'm sitting here for about an hour when I see movement in the woods towards my right. Ten deer then pour out into this field 100 yards or so away. Now as cool of a sight as it was I'm thinking why not in 6 months...why now? I swear I think the deer know when they cant be shot. I even think a couple of them purposely stood broadside knowing all I could do was watch. :huh: So I end my morning with no birds and a bunch of deer sightings. Why do I have the feeling that field will be full of turkeys in 6 months?
It's funny how I can tell my hunting day to a fellow friend and explain I was "deer" hunting and happened to see a moose. My friend says "that's cool, you saw a moose" and I say but I'm deer hunting. Now if I were moose hunting and saw a deer would it make it alright?? SOB ~ I can't win some times!
I hear ya, I was out yesterday evening sitting on the edge of a field listening for any gobblers and I had 15 deer walk out of the woodline less than 20 yards from me (sitting in blue jeans and a t-shirt) and fed in the field just 40 yards behind me. They saw me and didn't have a care in the world.
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying I didn't enjoying watching the deer, because its always fun and a learning experience to watch them. I was just finding the irony in the number of deer I see during turkey season and the number of turkeys I see during deer season. I think they read the DNR booklet and know when it is safe.
I went to listen for birds this evening and found 14 deer spread around the field I park in. 6 of them fled in a hurry, 3 fed their way slowly across the field and into the woods, and 5 decided to lay down and bed smack dead in the middle of the field -even after I opened the gate, pulled in my truck and parked a mere 150 yards from them! Oh yeah, and I didn't hear a single gobble. I think they might be warning eachother :d
See what happened was the 6 that fled in a hurry had to run to where the turkeys were to tell them to be quite. The 5 that stayed behind were suppose to distract you or block you from getting into the woods and the 3 that moved out slowly where merely repositioning themselves so that they could follow you if you got by the 5 bedded down. Yep sounds like the animal revolution is in full swing. :d