Have you ever seen the deer as they entered/exited any of your crop fields? If so, where did you them enter/exit and at what times of the day?
Soybeans are a good bet, BUT hard to hunt if you are just hanging on the edge. Beans are king for food sources and you will SEE a ton of deer. The key is to find where they are traveling from to get to the beans if you want to KILL them. This was the single biggest lesson I learned last year while spending alot of time watching deer eat "the magical fruit."
A topo would be very usefull here. There may be a good bottleneck along the creek in the area you labled "High Ground & Clifftops". It may also help locate another area to set up. It would be nice to check some other views of the place to get a better idea of what it's like on the ground. GPS coordinates would be a big help. I would check out the area near the property line between the Eastern tip of the grown up field and the SE corner of the soybean field. Especially between the tip of the grown up field and straight out from the SW corner of the neighbors field to the East.
On the clifftops and higher ground me and my father have pushed bedded deer out of there, which was many years ago. Also, the deer typically went to the soybean field (when there wasn't soybeans) in the evenings either right before the ending of shooting light or past it. Shortly, I hope to get a topo map. Thanks guys!
Where can I get a topo at? I've tried many sites but can't find any that will let me copy the image and save it.
You can copy what ever is on your screen. The easiest way is to use the snipping tool in Vista. If you don't have Vista you can just hit the "PrtScn" tab on your keyboard, then open up Paint (in Accessories) and hit "Ctrl" + "V" to paste in your picture of the topo. Next, do any editing you want to do and save the picture as a JPEG file. Now open your picture in windows picture viewer. Click on "Fix". Then click on "Crop". Then from the drop down box pick "custom". Now put your cursor on one of the solid white little squares on the border of the white box that is now on your picture and drag it until it only covers the part you want to save. Now just close windows picture viewer and it will say "saving". Now open it back up and the only thing you will see is your topo. None of that garbage from Paint.
Countryboy95, It's easier to do than explain, but if you want you can email me the GPS cordinates and I will do it for you and send it back to you, post it for you or both. Or, if you don't trust me then maybe there is someone else on here that you trust that could do it for you. If my "PrtScn" feature worked I would do a little video tutorial for you. Vista is easy because it has a "Snippet" tool.
Well, easier than finding GPS coordinates (which i have no clue how) I have a link that you can go to. There is options in the upper right hand corner of the map to select a topo map which is "Terrain". Thanks guys! Link: <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=283+Dark+Hollow+Rd.+Shermans+Dale+PA&sll=37.509726,-95.712891&sspn=48.66902,79.013672&ie=UTF8&ll=40.345089,-77.137585&spn=0.011579,0.01929&t=h&z=16>