Just posting to get some opinions. I don't think these 2 are the same but i am no expert and could always use another opinion. Picture on the left was taken 06/06/11 around 6:45 am. Picture on the right was 06/03/11 at 8:35pm.
Looks like it to me but you never know untill they grow more horn unless there is some ID marks that I can not see.
I have no idea how much 3 days can mean in antler growth but the one taken 3 days earlier appears to have smaller antlers as well as a thinner snout and not so much white on his stomach. Plus the black on his tail. not sure it is just the darker time of day though.
They are extremely similar, but I think they are different deer. I would have guess that their genetics are nearly identical. I'd bet that you have two related deer here.
They seem the same, but I wouldn't think the color of the hide would change that much in three days, probably same gene pool though. possible twin.
I agree with rutin' regarding the tail, but for another reason. To me the one on the right looks longer. I am not sure how quickly they shed their coats, but 3 days seems kinda quick! I am going with 2 separate deer....my final answer.
Well if the father is the 10 pointer i saw last season these 2 deer could be a very nice size come this fall. Thanks for the input guys.
Tail length was the first thing I noticed along with the furth colors. Same gene pool maybe. I think its a different deer.
This is the same thing I noticed. I believe it is a different deer; although, it is hard to differentiate considering the different parts of the deer showing. The tails are different.