On buckeye's thread I noticed alot of people plan to buy hang-on stands and climbing sticks for this season (including me). I didn't see anyone mention a safety line, the type where you're attached the whole time you're climbing the tree. I hunt mostly with a climber. I have one hang-on, but never used a line. I'm going to this year. Does anyone else use these? If so, are they worth the money and time?
When hanging stands I don't use them. I did start using a harness while hunting/sitting In the tree this last year for the 1st time.
Jeff, what brand did you get. I took a 30ft fall last Sept (hurt like hell), while pulling a stand. I wanted to get some, but season came and I just hunted instead (stupid). Now that I am getting ready to get stands up again, I am now thinking about that fall and getting some safetly lines should be(is going to be) priority 1.
Jeff, I'm looking forward to that security. I never felt completly safe climbing or coming down. I'll have 2 stands this year so the 3 system deal sounds right for me. kb, Whenever I hear about another hunter falling, I know it could happen to me. Glad to hear you're O.K.
I use a window washers ascender. I leave a rope in every tree that has a permanent stand and just keep the ascender with me in my pack. When I get to the tree I put it on the rope and hook up. It is similar to this one.