Guys/Gals - The last few years I have completely burned myself out running cameras (and checking them) in April, May, June, July... and I found that it as fun as it is to get great photos it takes time away from family and other summer activities. This year my goal is to wait until August to do the bulk of my trail camera scouting... Hopefully find a few shooters and get out until hunting season. What do you guys think? Does setting trail cameras all year burn you out? Seems like a few people like to run them all year. Just seeing what peoples opinions are... Neal PS - it will be interesting to see what I actually do come July... my guess is I'll have 15 cameras out and get too excited once I get that first great photo of a giant buck and my blood starts boiling!
I really limit myself this time of year to just old established mineral sites. I still have half a dozen cameras in the garage waiting for late july/aug when I start doing my scouting to move in on "target" deer. I only check my cams about once a month so it doesnt take that much time away from my family.... It used to! Now being divorced and a single father, ive pulled my reins back and quit scenting the woods up checking cams every couple weeks.
I've been thinking a bit about this myself this year. Not so much as getting burned out with it, but burning my spots out. Since everytime a person goes in to check I think it increases the odds of educating the deer of your presence. Although, it all depends where exactly the cameras are set up also. I know, I do take alot of precautions to try to not educate them, and sometimes its the little things that may help a person be successful later on. At least that's what I tell myself. Good luck capturing some great pics everyone!
The land I hunt occasionally has "walkers/hikers" in the spring and summer and the farmer likes me to take them down each year. So, typically I take home in the winter months and reset each summer. But, I do agree, some of it is just self discipline in not checking all the time.
I don't really burn out. However, there are a number of factors that make it easy on me. First, I only have two cameras, one of which I just send in to get repaired. Second, I don't have to go far to get to my cameras. Third, you never know what kind of creature you'll get on camera up here, so it makes it even more exciting
I run 10-15 cameras 24/7/365 and check them all every 7-10 days. I am still as excited as ever to check the cards when I get home. No chance of burn out ever and I don't worry about burning my spots out either. The deer I hunt know me and my scent maybe that is good. It's part of my my job to test cameras so I need to do all the above and I love every minute of it :D
I check mine every 10 days. I don't get burned out. I am ADDICTED to deer hunting and have been for over 20 years. I am either looking at or doing something related to deer hunting EVERYDAY. I enjoy nature anyways so it gives me another reason to hit the woods. My trail cams are easy to get to. I make a point to go in and check them between 11AM-2PM during the Spring/Summer and 10AM-1PM once Hunting Season starts and when the time changes. I ALWAYS wear the same clothing into the woods to check them or set a stand .(I wash them in Scent Free detergent of course). However, this gets the deer use to my scent. Deer are creatures of habit and I try to act as they do.
I now have two trailcams. Both are in the house. I'm too paranoid to leave them out for any real amount of time. (Public land) Tho' I suppose right now it's so thick with poison ivy and multiflora rose that no hiker would stumble across them. I guess I'm also too lazy... because I don't want to bust through the tick and chigger infested brambles either.
It really depends on why you are using trailcams. If you are using them to inventory your deer then running them just a few months a year is okay. But if you are using them, as I do, for quality or interesting photos, then in my mind it would be easy to miss something I want to see. I have mine out nearly year-round because I'm always after great pics. It has really became it's own hobby almost seperate from hunting. I also understand the concern of pressuring the deer. That is why I have some very definate rules about where I intrude and place cams. Whatever your reasons, enjoy and have a good time. If you feel your getting burned out back off a little bit. My guess is after a while you will miss it and go back to putting them out earlier. Blessings......Pastorjim
thats the truth right there!! I look at it as more of a hobby. I have 2 cameras set up on 2 Raxx sites now and one camera I hop around with. Cameras have been up since March though. It's fun to see whats roaming around and the hope of getting a great shot of any wild life just gets my blood pumping. I check them every 3-4 weeks because I hunt over an hour from my house. But that ride from suburbs to the country side of jersey is one of my favorite parts. Your best bet is make it a hobby, not a hassle. Check them when its good for you, not because you think you have to!
Those are a couple great pics Pat. The last few years I feel like I've worn out my woods checking cameras so this year I'm going to save the gas and time and stay out of my woods until opening day. I'll set cameras at that point and see what we get. It will be tough to not have the cameras out as I'm completely addicted to trailcams but for the good of my season I'm going to fight the urge.
i run my cameras all year around and check them about every week and a half, since they have all different battery lives i usually change batt in some, and move the others.
The last few years I've waited until July to put them out but this year I put them out in June... I've never not been excited to pull the cards and see what's on them.