Come to find out... The're not that hard. lol. I just did mine in 19 minutes. lol. I'm at work, and the people here didn't believe it. One old lady just told me that she has had one for 20 years, and the only time it has been right is the day she bought it. :huh: lol. Now they think I'm a slacker...Wait a minute. Security guy. Playing with toys. Always on the computer.... huh. Maybe they are right.
My little sister (11) just got one. She has been working hard at it. I told her just to peel of the stickers...she liked the idea.
Couldn't do them myself, but never actually seriously tried. I saw a lego controller solve one using light readings, though. So if a simple lego robot can do it, can't everyone? Lol, jk.
I have lived in my parent's basement... But, I have never been one for boogers. I'm more of a staple food guy myself.
I had a math teacher, who no matter how long you scrambled it up, she would get it done in less then 4 minutes. The longest it ever took her for our class was like 2 minutes 30 seconds or something. Apparently their is a method that makes it super easy.
Its pretty easy to solve. There are 4 or 5 moves you need to learn and you can solve it no matter how scrambled it is. I can get to where it is almost solved but can't remember how to finish it.
Jeff I am sitting here drinking a nice Rolling Rock beer and he eating of those huge giant size hot dogs and well this was just damn funny.