I've owened a risercam for more than a year now and it's great!! For years I tried filming my hunts by myself but with this product it's so much simpler. All you do is attach it to your bow where your stabelizer goes and your ready to hunt. There is 1 button to turn it on and 1 button to press to record. It has an automatic focus out to 40 yds. The videos are sharp and clear and if you have any problems or questions the people at Roscoby are more than happy to help you out. I'm even starting to experiment with it attached to my guns, by mounting it with the Deerridge gun and bow mount because I'm a 3 season huter. If you want more info just go to their website to veiw it. Thanks.
Hey dave37 sorry you feel that way. All I was trying to do was find someone that shared the same intrests. I've only had this computer for a month now and I guess my wife was wrong in saying it's a great way to meet new people. Thanks and have a good day. deerman69
I just want to Thank everyone again. If anyone is interrested in seeing what an old dog can learn you can go to this link to see the videos I'm doing with my riercam and pictures from my deer cameras Thanks deerman http://s612.photobucket.com/albums/tt201/deerman69/