i recently ran into this guy that started trying to make bows but gave up real soon after he gave me this big roll of stuff and told me it was sinew? iv'e never seen sinew in a roll like this im not sure if it is or isn't, what do yall think it is??
Its artificial sinew. Many folks use it to make things to look like sinew. Its not as strong as sinew and and doesn't have the shrinking properties of real sinew that makes it so advantagious to use.
do you have any advice on how to use it? how long should i let it dry? does it have any of the advantages of sinew or is it strickly for look? will it at least protect the bow if i cover it heavy? another question i have a few dtyed deer legs from last year the sinew in those would still be good wouldn't it?
I've used it strictly for lacing leather for quivers,tip protectors,sheaths, etc... but never used it for backing a bow
Like Jim said, it has uses that any other cotton thread might have. Just looks cool and is strong. I wouldn't back a bow with it. You need about 8 pieces of deer tendon to back a bow. And about 15 pieces of back sinew. As long as its dry, it lasts like forever. Or very very long. I still have tendons well over 6 years old.
Bigcountry nailed it. Artificial sinew. dont use it for a bow back. It is usually used as thread to sew up things that you want to have a sinew thread look.