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Rogue-1 night stand deer and rain hunting..!

Discussion in 'Whitetail Deer Hunting' started by Evan Nimalovitch, Sep 12, 2018.

  1. 2 questions for the pro's..

    What is the experience, possible reasons a deer ( 2 in the case) hit your bait once and never again.. this isn't rut related, its mid August..!

    Why do others hit it daily? is this a bedding area, did I reach the far boundary of the missing deers home circle, or is there more to it??

    2nd.. simply put, do you hunt in light-moderate rain, or am I wasting my time.. outside of following a blood trail, are there any other negative factors? I can see it helping cover my own scent, and even light noise..
  2. Holt

    Holt Grizzled Veteran

    Dec 13, 2012
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    For the first question I would say it's probably one of two situations. Either they are picking up your ground scent and don't like it and know better then to come back. Or there is a more dominant buck in the area and they are pushed out. Also antler size has nothing to do with dominance, so it could old aggressive buck with a small rack. You see alot of bucks traveling this time of year to find a safe core area that they can call there own and most time they will be the only buck in that area. Most mature bucks are loners.

    Second question, I hunt anytime I can no matter the weather. I personally don't like hunting in pouring rain for the reason of blood tracking a deer. But light rain never stops me. Deer feed every day, so hunt there preferred food and setup according to the wind and location of food and bedding.

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  3. Sota

    Sota Legendary Woodsman

    Jun 28, 2014
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    I am no pro but bait piles and kill plots deer are quick to find a reason to avoid the area during daylight. Other than a pouring rain I will hunt miserable as it can be, same thing with a windy day if the wind was gusty I would not hunt till trail camera showed deer will move in gusty wind.

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