Does anyone else frequently hear these words from their front seat passenger while riding down the road. It seems that I hear these words quite often as my wife and I are driving down most roads. I guess it is because I am about to run off the edge of the road while I am looking/watching for deer or during bikini season maybe the occasional hottie:d (j/k). Just wondered if you guys had bad driving habits too???
I drove old IH Scouts for most of my driving life. Every one of 'em would dart off the road in a heartbeat if you slacked off the wheel for even a second. It was because they were off road trucks at heart. (and the bad steering boxes didn't help). I did learn to steer/stay on the road and look around. So looking at deer has been okay. Bikini season doesn't do anything for me so that's not a problem. I have learned that programming my GPS while driving is a bad idea. Also nearly did some ditch jumping while resetting my truck's clock. K usually sleeps while I drive. Pretty much the only other passengers in my truck are dead or incapable of complaining so that's not a problem either. :D
I had a mid 70's (75-78? maybe earlier) model about 25 yrs. ago. I think it had a small block V8 (300+ cu. in with a 3or4 speed manual tranny I can't remember which but I think 3 spd.) and I believe it only had 2 bucket seats up front with no rear seats but man did I love that thing. I can't remember where we got it Army or State surplus but it was painted dark green. Would go just about anywhere.
Yup I get it all the time, but I like yelling "turn straight here!" when she's driving... It amuses me.
I get it all the time, except that it's more like "watchwhereyou'redrivingyou'regonnahitthatcar"... and yes, she says it that fast... I have this habit of looking at the woods and bodies of water as I drive past. Don't know why...
It's funny that we do this. I usually use my wife body position as a reference. When she raises up and braces for impact I have looked long enough. I then proceed to look at the road and straighten up...and I can feel:evil:
Just let your wife drive, then you don't EVER have to put your eyes ON the road. That's how real gangstas roll. :D