I've heard great things about these, but are they specifically for broadheads or can field points be shot into them as well? Thanks for any info!
Rinehart targets are NOT for broadheads. They are great for field points. You would be really, really unhappy after shooting a few B/H's into one.
Could the small round target be used to toss into the air and used for an aerial target or thrown across the ground and used for a moving target with ease????
I've shot BHs into my Rinehart with no ill effects. For FPs I highly recommend lubing your arrows. I use a bar of soap. It makes removal MUCH easier. check out this link. Rinehart says BHs are OK. http://www.rinehart3d.com/18-1-guaranteed.aspx
I've shot quite a few broadheads into my 18-1 without any problems at all. In fact, I've had the same target going on 3 years now and it's held up wonderfully. I don't shoot an excessive amount of broadheads into it, but enough to test and tune my setup before the season, and then a few per week during the season. From the outside, you can barely tell it's been shot at all.
I've shot quite a few broadheads into my 18-1 and it does chew it up some, but with multiple faces to shoot at it's not a big deal
My 18-1 takes broadhead and field point abuse. I thought I was going to be the guy that would cash in on their guarantee... NOPE.
I got that one last year to take on fly out hunts. It's ballasted on one end so it always lands that side down. I doubt it's going to roll very well on the ground due to the heavy side settling it out pretty quick. It's beefy enough that I wouldn't be throwing it around a lot and I certainly wouldn't want to get hit with it. I guess if you got a pack mule (small brain, strong back) you could get them to throw it in the air while you shot it...
I actually just toured their factory last week. Yes you can actually shoot all 3 types of blades into their target; field point, fixed & mechanical bh's. I have the 18-1 target and the vitals exposed feeding deer. Absolutely love both. I have shot both bh & field tips w/no problems. In fact compared to the other 2 manufacturer brands, I will now only by Rienhart targets because of their durability. I highly recommend them.
So is the FP removal pretty tough? I like the idea of keeping a BH target separate from my FP target, but I have to shoot both obviously when BH tuning.
I have no real issues pulling fp's. Try to use some scorpion venom, that slick them arrows up real good. Now granted the 18-1 ball I move so the arrows are pointed up and place my foot on it, to hold it steady. As for the deer, no real problems with it.
Yeah, I mentioned lubing arrows to ease removal with FPs but even without the soap its not too bad. I too turn the target so the arrows face up and place my foot on the target. They come out OK. It is however easier with the soap
The only thing I found with Rineharts and my carbon arrows is the "shrapnel" as we call it left on the arrow. At times, I need to clean the debris off the arrow after pulling from certain Rineharts. Despite that, they are becoming some of my favorite targets on the 3D courses. They sure do make a huge variety of targets. I'm hoping to make one of the R100 Rinehart shoots one of these times.
Rob, do yourself a favor and get there early. I've only gone to one and i left after shooting about 5 targets. I've never seen so many people waiting in line, it literally would have taken us 4-5hours to finish.
I haven't had any problem pulling FP's out of my 18:1. I don't lube them or anything like that and they come right out. One hand on the target and one hand pulling them out.