I'm going to be getting a new target in the next couple of weeks and can't decide between the two. Which do you think I should get, one of the Rinehart targets, or the new Block Black target? Thanks in advance!
ive been slinging arrows at the older(i guess) block for about 6 or 7 months now. the one with the compressed layers of foam. it has stopped countless arrows, and im only now starting to get partial pass throughs, but only at closer ranges, like 10-5M. ive never shot at the rinehart targets, but i really dont think you could go wrong with either. i guess whichever one fits your budget more would be the one to go with.
I have been shooting a blck 4x4 for several years and it has held up very well. I don't shoot BH's into it. I need a BH target. Got any suggestions on one?
i have the rinehart rinoblocker i love it the target heals its self after every shoot. i can show you a pic of it after two years of shooting if you like. i shoot broadheads in it also everything is an ease to get out. either target is good
Hoytultrasport, I'd like to see the pictures of your rinoblock, I hear a lot of great things about their products. I've had the old style block and now have the block fusion, the old style lasted me about two years shooting almost daily in summer and the block fusion will outlast that one. I did shoot some broadheads into each, good target with a lot better marketing behind it. It's the mathews of targets in my opinion, good product with amazing marketing.
Thanks for the advice guys.. I ended up getting the Rinehart 18-1. I had some gift cards to use, and Gander Mountain had a twenty dollar coupon, so I got the target for $50 and free shipping!