Bad start this year. I went to a treestand that is over 24ft high. I knew it was much higher than I prefer for longbow hunting. So I saw a family of 5 come out and munch on acorns for over 20 min. I decided not to shoot the 5 pt. But a big mama doe was there with 2 fawns and a button buck. She came closer, and soon was 21 yards. I figured, what the hey, fresh backstraps would taste good tonight. Shot, right over her back. They all looked up and couldn't locate the sounds and kept eating. They left after about 10 min and my confidense is shooken a tad. They come back out, about 2 hours later and walk past, big mama doe got 18 yards. Decided to let her go. Guess my confidense was shaken too much and worried I would make a bad shot. Went back home and practiced from my deck which is high. Hit the top of my 3d target 90% of the shot. Should have practiced more from my stands. I am having to concentrate on a spot right under the vitals to hit well.
You'll figure It out Mark. Before I Ieft to go to Colorado this year I was dead on to about 30 yards. I get out there and fling some arrows and just like that I'm shooting left and right. NEVER do I normally miss right or left. It took a while to figure out but my release was the problem. It sure does play games with your head though when you've been hunting with these types of bows for a long time and your having Issues. My confidence too took a hit out there even though I never let an arrow fly at an animal. I got It good and fixed now though. At the end of the month In September I shot a bear. The arrow flew beautiful and hit my mark with In an Inch of where I was looking. It's amazing what success can do for your confidence.
Thats one thing I can say about trad shooting. Confidense is 90% of the battle. Where with wheels its maybe 30-40%. Its early. Maybe I was too cocky about it. Hope you do well this year.
Mark, I took my first shot ever with my recurve the other night. I shot right over her back as well. The shot looked great right to left but it was high. Get back in the game and kill a deer. Brett