Wow, I just got done reading through Tick Tock's thread, and I didn't realize there were so many of you guys with this same problem. I still shoot right handed. I'm just much more coordinated that way. Plus, I've been shooting my rifle (with my left eye shut) since I was 10 or 11, so its just habit to shoot with my right eye. Having said that, I absolutely suck at trap shooting and I think my eye dominance affects that more. They only reason that worries me is that I'd like to start shooting my bow at grouse, goose and maybe a duck! Anyway, how did you decide to shoot and why? Any regrets?
Yeah I didn't even know which eye was dominate until just recently. I think as long as you shoot with one eye closed it's O.K.
When I did shoot a compound I shot with both eye's open. My right eye Is dominant and I'm right handed. My sister In law just found out she's left eye dominant so my brother Is going to switch her over to a left handed compound this summer. She's always been right handed but he never even thought she might of been left eye dominant. They were both squirrel hunting with .22's a few weeks back and that's how he found out she was left eye dominant. He's pissed he didn't he didn't have her do the test right away with her hands before he bought her bow 4 years ago.
I shoot with both eyes open. Tho' I squint with both of 'em. (It not just that I'm Asian) I don't use a peep tho'. I'm really right handed but my left eye is so dominate it kicks my other eye around for even trying. So I shoot guns and bows left handed. Trying to find lefty stuff bites. (particularly with my wimpy, stubby arms)
The way I always understood it, was that you can't shoot with both eyes open and use a sighting system unless you are shoot the same "handed" as your dominant eye. I also thought I read that you can shoot a trad bow opposite of your dominant eye with both eyes open but it will be MUCH more difficult. When I shoot my compound, I close one eye. Scoped gun, one eye closed. "Aimed" shotgun for turkeys, one eye. Everything else I do, or at least attempt to keep one eye open. Trad shooting and open sighted pistols/rifles. I played around last summer shooting left handed, and honestly I felt a lot better than expected aiming and extending my bow with my right arm as opposed to my left. I bet I could switch without going backwards too far at all.
I shoot LH bow, with my dominant left eye. I am right handed. IMO, unless you are not using sights, I don't think there is enough windage in a sight out there to compensate for the width of your eyes if you are shooting right handed with your left eye, if you are anchoring normally. Here is a fun test, if you have a large enough target. Regular guys (RH, right eye dom./LH, left eye dom.) Draw and aim like usual then close the eye that was looking through your peep and aim with your other eye, tell us how far off you were. I may try this tonight at Gander as long as it's just me, Rob, and Pat.
I shoot LH while being right handed, but I don't see it as shooting with my weak hand, it's my strong hand that is guiding the bow.
I'm just referring it as a weak or strong side to identify what way you are shooting. I could have said off-hand or non-dominant side, but weak was quicker... apparently it wasn't quicker in the long run:d
I agree with Ben, and was going to bring the point about the dominant hand controlling the bow as well. That's one additional advantage I like about the switch I made as well. I like having my bow arm be my dominant arm. As perceptual as it may be, I feel my right arm stabilizes better held out in front of me than my left. Aside from that, the other benefits mentioned still apply to switching to your dominant eye side. Ben and I switched at the same time, and we both have NO regrets. Most people I asked and researched over on HNI and AT also were in the same boat after the switch.
my kid found that out also. He's always been a lefty and tried shooting lefty and didn't do so good. Some how he figured out that he's right-eyed dominant. So, he started shooting righty and bingo, his scores went up. He's still trying to coordinate to a right-handed style, but he's hitting the target now.
It's an even easier transition the earlier you start, so it's good you got him started out right when he's still young.
I'm a right handed.. left eye dominate freak too. Doesn't bother with me too much anymore.. but did years ago when I didn't understand a few things about shooting it did. As long as I consistently hit the same places on my face.. I seem to get it done. It's all in how you practice in my opinion.. and the routine I use seems to work pretty well for myself.