my wife has expressed an interest into hunting and has actually gone out with me and loves it. (i know, good thing and bad) we have decided to buy her a bow but i am really confused as to what to get her. i have looked at many different options (almost every manufacturer). i want to get her this bow in the very near future but like i said, i dont know what to buy. i am looking for a entry level to mid range price, enough draw weight flexibility to start then to crank up to deer power but at the same time, she needs a realitively short draw length. i shoot 55 lbs on a dual soft cam compound and she can almost pull it, so something with a decent let off would be great as well. so PLEASE let me know your thoughts before i go buy something she cant shoot
I'd look at the Diamond Razor Edge or the Mission Menace. Lots of room to change draw weight and they're very good starter bows for a fairly cheap price.
GET THE MISSION UX2 BEST BOW EVER. I've only shot my UX2 for two days and I can hit dots and diamond on a foam target from 30 yds. away. And I even split an arrow.
Mathews just came out with a new bow for women. I haven't seen it yet but it sounds like it could be good.
I will have to throw in a vote for the Diamond Razor Edge. My daughter shoots it and I know a few other women that do and it is a great women/starter bow.
lol, cause when you adjust the Draw Length the weight increases because of the cam system in place. It shoots as fast as the Razor Edge, but you'll fit it forever. Its fairly quiet and just as good as the Razor. It comes down to personal preference. Good luck finding the right bow.
Another vote for the Razor Edge, but take her to a shop and let her shoot a few different ones and get the bow that shes comfy with!
The Two I like for small frame shooters is The Mission Menace and The PSE Chaos-Very Fast Both I believe are 17-28 Draw, and offer 40lb and 50lb Alpine also makes a nice small frame bow. Allot of the youth shooters around here shot them. She's GOT to go and try as many as she can and I'll bet She will tell you the one She wants.
well, i will weigh in here. the entire bowtech upper end line goes from 24'' of draw to 30" And unless your wife is just TINY 24 should be good (my ex was 5'3" 100 lbs and was 24" draw) the nice thing about those bows is a good forgiving brace height. tIn the Diamond end of life, the rock goes from 23-30", 40-70 lbs, and is nice and short the razors edge goes from 19-29" and 15-60lbs, all without changing the limbs. Now i doubt your wife is going to grow much, so you might almost be better off getting her a less adjustable bow that is more tailored to her. Martin also makes some fantastic bows, as does alpine. have her go Shoot a little of everything, blind bail, and see what she likes Good luck and have fun!
i bought a diamond razor edge and she loves it! deff need a new site on it ASAP, trust me! rest is good, but also check the cables before you buy, a few in stock were touching each other which could lead to some problems down the rd
definitely put a different site on it... I swapped out my sons el cheapo for a used G5 SE... got it delivered to my door for like $45... he has an older Edge model that came with a prong rest, he never even shot a single arrow off that, I put him directly on a biscuit... the newer ones have a hostage which shouldn't need to be swapped...
I just got a Diamond Razor Edge for my girlfriend and she loves it. I'm pretty impressed with the darn thing myself.
The new Mathews Passion is a very good and affordable bow. It will last for ever and if you are buying for your wife her draw length should not change. The bows are adjustable in poundage and you can get them all the way to 70 pounds. Best thing to do is just go to the pro shop and let her shoot as many bows as she wants and then allow her to decide which one she likes the best, I promise this will help in the long run and she will do better with one she picked out rahter than one that was chosen for her...