Hi im from the UK, ive heard about a rifle type sight which is kind of extended and no peeps required , just wondering if anyones got any news on them ,thanks,
I have a feeling he meant the hind sight. I have never used this product myself so I cant give you a review on it. Maybe THIS can help you out.
google " Peep eliminator" I think that is what you are talking about . I have never used one but it looks like it should work
I've seen long eye relief scopes similar to rifle scopes mounted on bows, Cabelas carried them awhile back. Almost makes it like a crossbow, if you ask me.
I've heard a mixed review on it. A few of my friends got one and tried it out on their bow and said that from 20 yards in, it was dead on accurate and they could shoot groups the size of a half dollar easily. However, they said once they were shooting back from farther than 20 yards, they were having a lot of problems getting good groups.