Some of you may remember me posting pics of some very old traditional arrows and quiver about the time this sight started. My Father inlaw had given them to me a very long time ago around 23-24 years ago. He then had mentioned an Old recurve that he used to own but had laoned it out, and couldnt remember who to. Well somehow he remembered a couple weeks ago 30 years later and was telling me and my oldest son about it. He said the guys name was buddy Lee and he was a teacher at my Kid's high school. Turns out that the guy was an Auto mechanics teacher for the vocational program there, and the building is the same one my son takes vocational welding in. My son calls home the other day and says, I got Grampa's bow back for him He had talked to the teacher and was telling him that his Grandpa knew him, and jokingly said he wants his bow back :D The guy said ill have to see if I still have it. The next day he brings it in to school and gives it to my son to return to Gramps. 30 years later He gets his bow back minus a string, and fittingly I gave his vintage arrows and quiver back . The bow is a Bear Kodiac 60" 45#. Cool HUH ?? Where is a good place to order him a new string and arrow nocks from????????????
I'll make you one 'crick. What color string? ...and what size and color nocks do ya need? I've got a pretty good selection. That's a cool story.
Kendall , thats very kind of you Thank you much! I have to do some checking on what sizes, Ill get it done in a day or two, and shoot you an e-mail!!