There is that…. I’m pretty sure I will have 50 points on October 1st opener… Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Weather will probably dictate my odds on the opener. I have a camera out that I may grab the card today, not cellular. The spot is good, but it is also very new to me.
I'll be in the shop Saturday to help all those that waited until now to get ready. If it's slow I'm going to tinker with my rig but it's already tuned tight Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Like I said earlier, I'm not sure what to expect for my opener here at home since I have no cameras out. d The current economy pushing grocery prices, gas prices and all other prices so high has put enough of a pinch on our fixed retirement income that I had to cut out hunting Kentucky this year, so I'll be limited to Missouri and Arkansas. I can't tell you how much I hate to skip Kentucky because there is always a chance at a big velvet buck. I've always blown it every time I had an opportunity at one, but there is always a chance. Another problem for me is that I don't think I'll be making my usual trip to mid-west Missouri this year either, but it's because of another reason that I won't go into. I'd say that there is still a pretty good change of me killing deer though.
Johnny is reminding my I have to buy my KY license. I am sneaking away ..way west the third week of sept with a mule deer tag in my pocket. It’s a half scouting half hunting trip for some new ground I may decide set up long term access on. Only going to be about 6 days with travel. Most likely unless I see sometime that really floats my boat it’s just going to be scouting. After that NY will be opening and I plan to fart around here for couple weeks maybe sneak over to Illinois for few days later in Oct. I then plan on taking off from like oct 28 to Nov 12 or so. I will hunt KY mostly and back home in NY. Then back to finish the season the beginning of Dec in Illinois.
So 3 NYers on the team! Plus Adam isn't that far from NY. That is cool but doesn't help our chances boys Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Big bucks are nice and they help a lot, but they aren't required to win the contest. We had 11 person teams before now. Now I know that most people won't shoot a 70" buck but this is just an example. If every person on an 11 man team had put a 70" buck and a doe on the scorecard that team would have had a winning score the last four years. Again, I'm not saying anyone should lower their standards. I'm just saying it doesn't take big bucks to win.
I would be willing to hold off filling my NY buck tag, and hope to fill up in KY or Illinois first if that helps the team? Right now the best NY bucks I have on cam are 115 to maybe 125 ish. Always a chance something better comes along, but as of now those are the best I have. With the farms I have in KY and Illinois, I just haven’t put the time it in NY to find anything better the last few years. I still access to my property ( 50 acres ) and two other spots close by but only planned on hunting at home while I concentrate on the KY and Illinois, both farms there I have gotten pictures so far this year of really nice bucks, 160 plus
I agree LC a score of 900 + will most likely win this. Asking 100 out of everyone isn't unreasonable Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
I would like to think that I could contribute 150 at least. If one of the nicer ones I have been seeing messes up could be 175 plus. I’ve had some issues with patience before but have been working on that and holding out for nicer deer. I’m definitely not a trophy hunter. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
My fear is that work really limits the amount of hunting I can do this fall /winter. Forced to sit on my hands all summer and then the higher ups drop a load on me every fall. They know I am a hunter. I think they do that **** on purpose. I called out my boss one time and she just laughed it off when I was 100% serious.