I'm seriously thinking of going out to Missouri earlier than I planned. I can work from there and just hunt the evenings. Not sure how my lady is gonna take all that tho. Sigh.
Actually it would be easier to just stay longer than I planned. I could pull chocks on veterans day, since I have it off. Idk. I just wanna hunt.
The backup x-bow finally got here. Put it together and put a better scope on it so hopefully start working on getting it dialed in tomorrow evening. Looks like it could kill some stuff. Gonna get the final essentials for the season on Friday and my gear will be ready to go by end of day Sunday hopefully. I can’t wait for this to go!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
She’s a beaut Clark getting close to that PA opener, after last weekend with all the PA tags I saw at the public land in MD, I’m thinking of hunting down there for the PA opener, might have the place to myself. Of the 20 or so vehicles I saw parked only 2 were MD tags the rest PA
While I am not sure is matters what the reason is or isn’t . I think it’s a conversation best not brought up on the team thread.
Eyes!! I tried lens and different things on my vertical bow but I could never get to where everything seemed right. I always felt like there was something that was out of focus. I wear glasses that are no line bifocals and I feel like I could never get it right. Didn’t have 100 percent confidence I was always on target and actually made marginal hits and lost 2nice bucks back to back a few years ago. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Oaks have finally started really raining acorns. Hot sign in the same place I killed my buck in January. I had some time between meetings and got a quick scout in and moved a camera.
Have you ever tried a lens flip? Good to lens crafters or some other cheap eye glass place. Have them make you a cheap pair of glasses and flip the lenses. Your readers on top and your distance on the bottom. You will look a bit odd reading, look "really focused to detail" but otherwise it works awesome for me and a lot of other shooters!
Nope never heard of that. May have to dig into that after season. I do have an eye doctor appointment in November I’ll see if they can hook me up with something to try. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Man I’m pleased with the way new x-bow is shooting. Fired about 35 shots through it. After 10 shots at 20 I was putting them in the small 1” square. Moved back to 30 and 40 to try to calibrate other yardages into scope and got it pretty close. Going to try to tweak it a little tomorrow evening. A little loud but fast and seems to group well. Definitely gonna kill something with this thing!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Sorry for the team disrupt. No harm intended. I often click on a thread and comment without remembering what thread I'm posting on.