this isnt 40 years ago ... equipment/bows, rests, arrows, sights, releases, etc. are a hell of a lot better now, bows are storing more energy and getting faster speeds at much lower draw weights, way less vibration and noise ... there isnt a comparison between an old Bear Black Bear or White tail II, Pearson Renegade or a Golden Eagle Sparrow Hawk to what is now available... apples to pears ..
I wouldn’t look at it for cause to make fun haha. It’s almost literally failproof. I had the end cap of my drop away pop off last week. Easy fix. Just happy it was a 3d deer. Not a real one Sent from my iPhone using Forums
With that much experience. What do you think of how things have advanced? Not judging. Just curious based on what you’ve seen through the years. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
FWIW - nobody was shooting "that great" at 100 yards with a flipper rest and a plunger button. Certainly not like they are compared to today's standards.
To be honest, most of the limb driven rests out there I'm not overly impressed with. I keep looking at a "better mousetrap" every year and can't find anything thats as fail proof of the OG Limbdriver Pro V. Hamskea has an enormous following but some of their newer ones have all kinds of bearings, etc. Just something else to fail IMO. The OG Limbdrivers are litterally a spring and an arm, wrapped in a containment cage. Thats it. The one on my current hunting bow is at least 10 years old and works like the day I bought it. As for the WB rests. I can't argue their bombproof. But I think if you're going to go that route there are other similar rests that are better designed.