I'm gonna maybe try to pick up a "carry" gun at a local auction on New Year's Day, here. I'll be getting my CCW permit in the coming weeks (right now I just open carry....which is nice in NC). Anyways....here's the ones I'm interested in: S&W Model 59 9MM w/box Colt MKII Double Eagle .45 Auto Keltech 9MM Semi-Auto 9MM w/box I might also be interested in this gun for home protection and/or hunting.....in which case I'd continue to carry my Springfield .45. S&W .357 Mag Model 686 Not sure I can afford this one, but I'd LOVE to pick it up.....if the price was right. Colt Double Eagle Mark IV Series 80 .45 Auto Thanks, in advance, for your help. I can also provide a link to the auction website....if any of you guys are interested in these or the other +/- 25 handguns/rifles/shotguns up for auction. If you're interested in bidding, let me know the one you're interested in and your "top dollar".....and I'd be happy to ;ick it up for you.
My dad and I used to shoot those short barreled .357's. Man they are loud as hell and pack a whallop. They are accurate as well. I used to shoot them one handed and they were still pretty accurate.
Jeff, I can't help you with the semi autos, but I had a 686 for a few years.I'd buy another in a heartbeat. One of the pistols I could hit much with, wish I hadn't traded it off.
I would lean toward the kel-tec for CCW just on size. However IMO .45 is the way to go. Because shooting twice is just silly. :D
Just wondered, I am in the market for another CCW. I guess the question should have been, how much do you expect to pay for any of these. I am leaning towards a new Taurus 809. I will own a .45 at some point, I am just ready for a 9 right now. I worry about the balance on the 809 with such a large carry cap, but I see it being a fun gun to piss around with too. I can pick this up brand new through a friend that has his FFL for like $475. Here's the link. They also make a .45 version. Can't help but feel like a bad mother with 18 shots. http://www.taurususa.com/product-details.cfm?id=602&category=Pistol
For a true CCW, I'd be looking at that Keltec or something similar. Unless your wearing pretty baggy clothes, most of those weapons are going to print on your shirt and/or be a PITA to carry. I had a pair of Glock 23's when I lived in PA, would keep one in the house and one as a truck/CCW. They are the same size or smaller than a lot those listed and I still felt they were too large for comfortable CCW.
Man you guys like to lug around some heavy metal! lol! I just got this for Christmas... and with that being said.... I like the Kel-tec 9mm just for size also jeff. FWIW If your interested Jeff... Theres a shop I know in NC that has two Kel-tec 380's in stock for $300 and he said they were on sale not to worry about the price on the sticker... He also has the Ruger LCP in stock which has a much nicer "fit & finish" for about 50 dollars more. Just food for thought... these guns are small... you won't even know they're on you.
GD this site! I just spent 10 minutes writing a reply and it logged me off before I could submit it! Wait one.
I'm not that familiar with the top 2 guns, but I am guessing they are a little bigger than the kel-tec. IMO for concealed carry, the smaller the gun the better. What you may "sacrifice" in power you will more than make up with just in the fact that you will be more likely to have it on you. If you are fine with always figuring out an outfit to wear every time you go out, then a little bigger gun is fine. But for me when I just come & go, I can't beat my little 3AT no matter what I am wearing.
I have a .38 that I have for a smaller option, that's why I am don't mind the size in my next pistol. I can toss the .38 in the front pocket of my jeans and no one's the wiser.
The Kel Tec is too small. Yes, that's right, too small. CCW is all about holster and thickness, not about overall length, which is all that saves you. I routinely carry a full size single stack 1911 (5" barrel), and you know I am a small man Jeff. Don Hume makes the best CCW holsters in the world as far as I am concerned, and it disappears under my shirt. Anyway, I personally would not buy any of those guns (semi-autos). You would want to add extras to them immediately anyway. The beavertails are the short, stock ones and those will wear a hole in your hand over the course of a practice session. For my money, if you want a 1911, buy the Taurus PT1911. Comes with every extra and shoots great. If you don't want a 1911, then we can get into a LONG discussion over other options b/c there are so many great guns out there, but 1911s are great guns in their own right. The design has been around for so long it has been perfected and the grip angles are just great for point and shoot type engagements like defensive shooting. Ammo is just as important as the gun, and much more important than the caliber. I hate the ".45 or nothing" mentality. A 9mm serated hollow point dumps an crap load of energy into the target and it is energy dump that kills quickly. If you do go 1911, then be careful with hollow point ammo b/c the ramp leading into the chamber is blunt and the hollow points will often jam into the ramp instead of sliding up it. Whatever you do, shoot your defensive load through your gun prior to carrying it. Yes, it is expensive, but you need to know it is going to function correctly should the fecal matter impact the rotary oscillator. Edit: one thing to consider with a .45 is that it would be difficult to conceal a double stack magazine. It just gets awfully thick. That does limit your mag capacity, but on the other hand the average gun fight takes place at 7 feet and is over in a couple of shots because someone is either fleeing or bleeding profusely. If you have to reload, then you are in a gunfight to which you should have brought a shotgun or a rifle. With that said, I always carry extra mags b/c wouldn't I feel like an a-hole for dying due to a lack of shooting back.
More Sizing pics of the P3AT...Ruger LCP has almost Exact specs. And as Huntingson mentioned the Kel-tec being too small... I believe thats personal preference... might be too small, But it feels great... and adding the extra's isn't going to come close to the cost of other manufacturers. Mag extension... would be the only thing I can think of I would like to have right now... maybe a crimson trace in the future. Anyway I have a relatively small hand and this little pistol fits good... like I said.. maybe a mag extension and I would be set. It's all personally preference... just like a bow, See what feels good to you. What I'm having an issue with is the double action trigger, but I'm getting used to it. As far as Hollow points... I've heard Great things about Hornady Critical Defense, That's probably what I'll be carrying in mine.
Oh, high cap mags are great except for one MAJOR issue. 15+ rounds plus a gun = a heavy piece on your side. Regardless of holster, over the course of a day walking around that really becomes uncomfortable.
This I am finding out. I'm playing around with different loads, now. Fun....but expensive. I AM more accurate with some loads v. others, though......NO QUESTION. I have no qualms carrying my 1911. None. But I want that gun here with my wife. I "might" be interested in another (1911)....but I'm certainly open to ANY suggestions, HS (and others).
X2 Although, if you grabbed the .357mag. it could double as a hunt weapon. My pic is of a .44mag Ruger SRH. It's a great feeling when you can play cowboys and deer, while hunting "for real"!
If you are buying a gun particularly for in home use, then I wouldn't buy a pistol at all. Pistols are not designed to be a primary defensive weapon. Their true design purpose is to back up your primary weapon in the event it is non-functional or to get you back to your primary. Obviously they are the only option for CCW, but my pistols are way down on my list for home defense. I suggest a 870HD or a Mossberg 590 (both 18" barrels). They are 12 guage, but if your wife isn't comfortable with that size, a 16 or even a 20 guage is plenty. There are so many options for shotgun ammo too that they are by far the most veratile guns on the market. I personally have a 870HD and I put a collapsible stock on it so its total length is just over 30". Makes it very easy to move around the house with and clear rooms without the barrel sticking out where someone could grab it before they are staring down it. That is my wife's gun actually, and she loves it. Really feels safe with it and that is what it is all about to me. You definitely want a pump shotgun though just for reliability reasons. I also keep the shotgun loaded with 7 shot. 00 buck is great but it gives you 9 .32 cal pellets (or 8 depending which manufacturer and type you buy) and a pretty tight pattern. The 7 shot is 250 pellets that shoot out a significant pattern with enough force to remove a man's torso from his pelvis at "in home" distances. If I was going to engage outside, then the 00 buck comes into play as do slug rounds. Mount a Surefire tactical flashlight with 120 luminens on that thing and you have the ultimate in home defense firearms. The intruder can't see you but he is lit up like an angel, which is convenient b/c that is what he is about to become.
We're on the same page.....except I have high brass #5 in my 12ga. I'd like to have a back-up to the shotgun. I have the 1911. If I use it for the house....I want another one to carry.