I recently purchased a used Mathews bow with what I believe is a trophy ridge matrix sight. 3 of the five fiber optics are snapped where they hang down on the bottom of the sight. I would like to replace them and was wondering what I need to get the job done. What size fiber optics do I need? Do I need to replace pins also? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You will need the same size that is already on the sight, most likely either .19 or .29. You can get fiber optic strands here: http://www.lancasterarchery.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=fiber
Thanks for the response just hoping someone who has done this particular site could tell me what size I need.
I have had a few of those sights, never had to replace the fibers. PM Mobow, I believe he replaced his one time a while back. It's likely you have .29 pins. If you take a picture, I may be able to ID the pin size. Hope this helps.
ompare it to these and maybe you can tell: http://www.lancasterarchery.com/adv...idge+matrix&osCsid=i40asq9bkhh1pi2kk2ad4q6ig0
Only if you're going to modify your setup by extending the exposed fibers someplace along the outside of the sight. If you're putting it back the way it was originally you don't need the Teflon outer tube.
Thank to everyone for your help, I actually talked to trophy ridge and for 9 bucks I can send it to them for repair.
You're better off learning how and doing it yourself. If they've broken once, chances are that they will again. That's a field repair skill that you need to know. Try fixing it and if you can't then send it in or get some help. It's really not that difficult.
Solid advice....it's always nice to be self sufficient whenever possible. Like Rob said, use them as a backup.
My self sufficiency depends on Ben and Rob. I agree that it's always nice to have the know how on how to fix.
http://www.nanoptics.com/SamplePackPage.html A sample pack (all 5 colors, each 12" long) is only like $17 (The Tough Super Flex is supposedly really durable) through this company.