Guess what, I've got tennis elbow In my other elbow (right arm). This last hunting season In November I started feeling It coming on and It progressively got worse. I went In and had that looked at today and they told me pretty much what I already knew. I asked the doctor why all of a sudden the elbow problems? She asked what I do for a job and I told her I was a milk hauler and that I do allot of upper body lifting with taking the milk hose In and out of the truck to pump the milk out of the tanks at the farm places. She then asked If this hose Is heavy and I said no not really. I also told her I split a ton of wood each year by hand which Is a great work out for the arms and upper body. She then asked one more question which answered both of our questions with all the sudden muscle trouble In my elbow area- What did you do as a young boy? I told her when I turned 12 years old I started bailing hay for farmers and did that till I was almost 18 years old. I told her most weeks I'd throw anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 bails of alfalfa a week all summer for all the farmers In a 15 mile radius of my house. It's how I made my money as a youngster and allot of money I made doing It. She then said I'm now paying for over doing myself a few different times and most likely with certainty will live with this for the rest of my life. All the wood splitting by hand helped this along and all the upper buddy lifting with my job finally made It rear It's ugly head from 25 years ago. When I shoot and practice now I really shake. It don't matter much the poundage either being I tried a few 40 and 50lb pound recurves, I still got shakey. It sucks but It Is what It Is and I'm just going to deal with It. Last year when she gave me cortisone pills for my golfers elbow that worked awesome for about 2 months but after that the effects wore off. Looks as though I'll be doing that every year come hunting season. :D I've tried the tennis elbow thingys too, they helped a little but not much. And no I'm not switching to wheels, It's not that bad yet.
I had it this summer, really bad - kept me awake some nights from the pain. I was sent to Phy Therapy, and between a electric drug patch (ionto or something along those lines) and some VERY painful massage to break up the calcium I am back to normal...with regular Aleve doses. The massage was the key, but when I say it hurt - I was shaking and sick to my stomach during some of the sessions and would be in a full sweat from the pain. I have a very high pain threshold, and this pushed me to my limits on a few days. But I am good to go...elbow is pain free with full motion again. Sadly I have to go back for arthritis in my knee from a motorcycle crash I had in June of last year - and I just know they are going to torture me again.
I hear ya... I've developed a shoulder problem and have had to reduce my shooting. It sucks when you love to see the flight of the arrow. Fortunately, it hasn't done anything but make me reserve my shooting time, I can still shoot a number of arrows before the pain effects me badly.. If it doesn't get any better I think I'd be getting a couple of those pills right before hunting season. woodsman
Steve: I'm experiencing the same issues (elbow pain). I'm looking at some exercises to alleviate the pain.....and I'll let you know how it goes. Check out this thread..... I know it's for "tennis" elbow. But, IMO...ANY stretching of the tendons, there, would be a good thing. I've done these exercises with a towel.....and they definitely work to stretch them. Good luck, pal.
That sucks Steve , hope it don't stop you enjoying yourself just yet and you keep away from them wheelie bows .... you're one of the reasons i took up Trad archery