Excellent statement of the situation, Jeff. This discussion is about consistency, childish mistakes and glass houses. Too many balls in the air for me to pick up the phone and make that call. Atlas - I couldn't agree more. Poaching deer is bad, but it's a far cry from armed robbery, homicide or drunk driving. Let's all take our heads out of our asses and get a good grip on that.
How old is the poacher?? This GUY has been driving a grand total of about 3 years, can't legally drink for another 2 and has voted maybe once in his life.......sorry man, but when talking about a 19 year old kid I tend to give the benefit of the doubt that his wisdom level may be pretty low and decision making most likely isn't his strongest point. I did A LOT of stupid things when I was that age.........I'm just glad there weren't a bunch of internet narks around eager to try and wreck my life by giving me a permanent criminal record from hundreds of miles away like I wronged them personally or something. Not excusing his behavior.....or mine at the time but if I had that stamp on me I would not have gotten into the colleges I did and would not have everything I do today......no telling what would have happened but I certainly wouldn't be where I am today. I'm glad all the policing I ever needed was my parents........and I'm even happier that my dad chose to just put the fear of god in me.........as in if I did something dumb enough he would introduce us When people start getting permanent criminal records over fantasy online deer football........it's probably time for a reality check. I have no desire to patrol Alberta's game lands for them.....if you have that much time and energy to burn then go patrol your local streets and call in drunk drivers before they kill a family of 5......call me crazy but I care about that more then some scrub buck eating a bullet in Canada somewhere. No one has said otherwise to my knowledge.
Oh god.......not even close. Never said it was "wrong"........you guys REALLY need to read this stuff before replying. I bet half the people reading this thread think the kid was exposed as a KNOWN poacher in the contest and some people are saying turning him in as a poacher was "wrong"
Poor grammar is not a typo. The only reason it was pointed out is your choice to insult my intelligence while butchering the english language yourself. Well done
Oh, now I got a smilie thumbs up from Aman. Woohoo!! Does that mean something good Aman? Huh, does it, does it, huh Aman? I am so proud of myself. I finally got a thumbs up from someone here who knows everything. Woohoo!!! You are hilarious Aman. No one can insult your intelligence. Proper grammar is for little old gray haired lady English teachers anyway.:d
Damn it has been that long already, long live HNI. lol The more I think about it what does this have to do with BHC and our contest/forums?
I cannot wait to meet your kids The kid embarassed himself with his own actions, go back and read I never made a comment on the matter. Understand if the captains would have booted him and not come out and tell why, there would have been those who would have nailed us for doing so. When is the counrty going to start putting the blame where it belongs? The kid lied, before we knew anything about the poaching it was obvious to everyone who has not gone to law school that he lied. He should not have to answer to other members for his actions? If it was legit and we would have banned him, and not give him a chance to defend himself what then? It was a no win situation, no matter what course was taken, someone would have their feathers ruffled Yes I for one am happy a hunter who cared enough about the game he hunts, took the time to do the right thing. He has made all of us who follow the game laws look better.
This thread is SO Bull-crap. I've never seen so much goody-two shoes hypocrisy in all my life. I'm not singling you out. What you wrote reads and sounds awesome. In reality.....we all know better (as a society).[/quote] I agree with this. Like it or not.
Tony, it's perfectly clear to me that 3 of these posters are strictly here to bash me, nothing more. Just look at the sources. Don't fret it, I'm laughing.