lmao.. let me rephrase.. it was yesterday evening after work, before dark and theres no law anyway, against spot lighting for sheds! LOL
I am watching you shed!!! For some who have disagreed, I feel and this is just my feeling. It's more about the poster than the crime. If you were on the outside looking in and you came across this thread, where a poacher was caught by some hunters on the internet, I bet your view would be different. The sad fact this is more about being against Rob than it is about the facts IMO. VIVA LA OBAMA
Well I actually like Rob so that rules me out on that and Lethal was on my Gun team for that season so I am aware of this story but I still cant see not knowing him changing my opinion. Were it a personal situation i.e. these three were poaching on my land the uncle and father would be the ones I held most acountable and the "root cause" of the problems and I would hope the poaching mold had been broken for lc.
Any dam body that is dumb enough to post a deer in a bowhunting contest that its eye has been blowed out on its cheek bone with a gunshot, and is bold enough to post a picture of the same deer stating its a gun kill, Not only needs to be called out on it (give me 5 Rob) but the question does need to be asked, was it even legal? Well in this case it was not, and multipal citations were issued to him and his clan for more than one deer. I have had more than one good hunting spot devastated by hunters like this and would have no problem turning their sorry ass in.
This atlas guy's reasoning is full of illogical fallacies. The young man was not turned in because he cheated in some fantasy internet contest, as you posit. He was turned in because he clearly displayed and bragged about a gunshot deer when gun season was closed. That's one of the strongest definitions of "poaching" by many of the hunting establishment. It's classic bad rhetoric: atlas starts off with a bad position, then lambasts those who argue against the facts of his wrong position. Almost every post he made after the initial one should be discounted because his very premise is wrong, LOL. And Quiksilver is an attorney? Amazing... hope he doesn't become a judge one day. Then again, it would be par for the course given the state of our extremely liberal judicial system.
I agree kids make mistakes, but should they not pay for these mistakes? He is 19, time to man up a little bit. If you poach a deer, you do so KNOWING the possible consequences. Same with drunk drivers, my sister and family drives those same roads, so I have NO sympathy for those pegged with DUIs....they aren't just risking their lives, they are a threat to MY family's lives. Everyone acts like age is an all saving grace where it is a hands off approach. Not all kids poach deer, do drugs, etc (whatever the law infraction may be), so why should the ones that do, not meet ANY consequences....what does that teach them? We talk about calling ones parents, how on earth are you going to go about calling some poacher's parents in Alberta to speak with them (like it would have done any good, the dad and uncle were cited for poaching other deer as well). Obviously I didn't feel the need to call in on him (wasn't me), but I sure as heck won't blast the guy who did. Germ hit it on the head, how can one loathe poachers down the road but in the next breathe criticize the guy who turns one in for being too far away? Hypocrisy at its finest. That said, I can see the other side too....where does it end, you know? I am 18 years old, and I am publicly announcing I have been known to have a few beers and am guilty of driving over the speed limit (Can honestly say I have never and will never mix the two though, puts too many others in danger besides myself..pretty selfish), if someone feels the need to inform the local sheriff, I won't hold it against you.
If he was 19, he was MORE than old enough to know better, I agree. I still think his dad/uncle must be horrible role models though.
What does that even mean?? My contention was with how the kid was treated like Hitler for entering a gun kill in fantasy bow contest. Poaching was not on the table at that time.........lot of Monday evening QB's making it sound like it was........but it wasn't. If it was KNOWN at that time he was a poacher it would be a different story.......as it is it was nothing more then a lame ass power trip.
Really Gary???.......Really??........you feel like hunters as a whole have a better image in the world because that kids bug eyed scrub buck was taken out of a fantasy online deer contest and he was humiliated in public?? (Remember......no poaching info at that time) Actually that is why I spoke up...........the "right thing" wasn't done......it was handled in an immature, classless manner by us as a group.......and we are adults who should know better.......that attack looked like something out of a MySpace chatroom.
Atlas, where are you coming from? Yeah, at first he was just a liar... guys took offense to it, but that isn't how the criminal charges were brought up. It wasn't until he posted photos of his "crew" posing with rifles (after already stating on HNI that he was hunting in a bow-only zone), that poaching was brought up. He wasn't treated like "Hitler" when his buck was removed from the contest, the Team Captains voted that it shouldn't count, plain and simple. He took offense to that and started insulting people over it.
Just illuminating the hypocrisy.........Higgins has nothing to do with it........just funny how people defend him but crucify this kid when they KNEW Higgins was a criminal and only SUSPECTED this kid of a fake fantasy contest entry. I have never defended the kid or his actions........never disagreed with him getting the boot from the contest.....What I HAVE said all along is it was handled in the poorest of fashion........like it was a capital murder case. What on earth would spur some internet nark to pursue charges against a young kid in another country over what happened in a fantasy online contest is beyond me........and I don't consider that "looking the other way" Keep your brownshirts...........I don't want one.
And that's where it ends for me.......he lied, delete.......PM captain....move on. SIMPLE. Instead we have a bunch of people pouring over photos like a freakin' CSI episode trying to figure out what the trajectory of a projectile would have to be to cause such a wound and what pressure/force components are usually responsible for eyes being dislodged. Gimmie a friggin' break......he shot it with a gun he's out and not allowed back in. End of story. Like I said earlier.....some people are taking themselves WAAAAY too seriously and need to get a grip on reality.....instead of their chicken, or pickle.....or Whatever Motown used to say