I am not making sense? That is the real intelligent. Probably should not advertise that type of knowledge Atlas. Entering the buck in the contest was not a crime, no, but it was a lie. Why lie? It was "for fun" as you put it. Yes, I did quit the drugs Atlas, and I see that no matter what, the cesspool matter always rises to the top. You are a real tool Atlas. Poor judgement is why our world sucks right now. I am out.
As for the assualt on Rob, guys he was right. When someone cheats/poaches it makes us as hunters look bad. I am happy Rob called him out, if more of us would call our own out we would have a much better image in the world today. Instead we have the don't ask don't tell policy where we don't want to turn on our own. I for one am glad Rob stepped up and back 100%. How many of us have seen and know about poaching? Including myself I have looked the other way. Call him a narc is a cheap shot and IMO Fran you are backing/supporting the activity when doing so. I plain and simple do not agree. I guess it's the sign of the times when doing the right thing is demonized and made fun up. Fran you b!tch about poachers more than anyone here, now you are b!tching about a guy who called one out and help stop one. Make up your mind King The Neighbors is a tough one, because you have to live with them, I am guilty as charge for looking the other way, and it ends today.
I guess that is the issue Jeff, wrong is wrong it should not matter if they are mine or yours. We need to set the bar higher as hunters, I myself have failed at doing so. Rob stepped up and is now being hammered for it. You can not argue the black and white on this issue. 1. Photo was not legit - True 2. Deer was poached - True 3. Rob was right - True 1. Rob was wrong because he called out a hunter and we protect our own 2. Rob did not know and he was on a witch hunt. Those last two are complete BS
What the heck is you point? I am trying to figure out why some are busting Rob when the facts are clearly on his side. 1. Gave him a chance to come clean. 2. He presented what he had to the contest. 3. We all looked at it and made a decision. Some have posted(not you) it was unfair. Someone explain to me what was unfair? Yes I am backing Rob because I think he's right and he's my friend. I have back Atlas, Jeff and Fran also when I think they are right. I cannot grasp your points(Fran and Atlas). Atlas is redirecting to a case that has no bearing on this one, and where the person was up front and honest about it. To the point he put an entire chapter in his book he wrote. Fran you're just being an ass, but you're still the king!
It sure doesn't look like the kid learned his lesson to me. Not sure why some of you guys are saying that he did. Sure, the kid didn't do the right thing, but I'm not sure I'd turn someone in for poaching that lived somewhere that I'll likely never go. I'm not saying anybody did the wrong thing, I just know there's no way I'd turn him in.
Pretty sure Rob did not turn him in. It was a hunter from Canada who did so I think. Good points and I think this may be jeff's point, I may get it now Fact remains Rob did not turn him in. He just called him out in a contest he was running.
I realize that Rob didn't turn him in. If it was someone from Canada that turned him in, I can kind of see why now.
Having led a pretty underground life in my younger years I often wonder how things would have ended up differently if I had been caught or turned in while a young,(19?),man. Would I still have ended up in the penitentiary for over 3 years? I'd like to think not. Had I received a wake up call earlier in life perhaps I'd have turned things around earlier in life. It took me quite a while to get my **** all in one sack and I believe I've done a good job of it. Today I lead a productive, responsible, law abiding life. I will carry my past with me forever in a felony conviction. Thats the way it should be. I think LC has been handed an opportunity. He can now decided where he wants his life to go. A felony conviction can be overcome. I know that first hand. A kid at 19 needs to be woken up to the realities of life. I commend those that would involve the autorities in a case like this if for no other reason than for the kids own good. I can't speak for LC but I know that for me getting away with a crime at a young age sure made it easier to attempt a crime at a more mature age. I don't care what the crime may be. i hope the kid turns it around now and doesn't have to face a lesson in the school of hard knocks like I did. Hes been given an opportunity, I hope he takes advantage of it. And FWIW I would make the call today. Hes old enough to know better. At 19 I was too. I needed some sense beat into me, it just took me a while. Theres a different perspective for ya!
Exactly Greg. Some people's children will have to learn as adults because no one can make them listen as children. Very well said.
Maybe someone should invite him over here and ask him if he's sorry for what he did. It's been what, a year and a half since all this happened at HNI? We need to let this go. I'm sure alot of us did things when we were young that we regret. I'm thankful that my dirty laundry wasn't aired on the web when I was 19. For the record, I was a team captain that year and I did vote to exclude his deer from the contest. But I think he's been thrown under the bus enough at this point.
It may very well "not" be a gateway crime, but rather a mindset. A mind that thinks "I can get away with it" (whatever "it" may be), usually holds the same mindset for other activities. Remember how you thought as a teen Jeff? If I can just make it to bed without them smelling my breath? Well, if you did not get caught, you probably did it again. I really do not think everyone should be turned in for everything they do, but punishment will always come in some form or another. You will never hide everything you do. A wake-up call is sometimes all that is needed. Other times being flat on your back looking at the gray ceiling above you. jmho
So depanding on what the act is against, there are different degrees of wrong? So a criminal act in hunting poaching is less of offense than shop lifting?
I do often wonder if things would have been different had I been "threatened". I also know just how hard headed I was. No one could tell me anything and I was the baddest man I knew. I don't regret my past nor am I ashamed of it. I'm certainly not proud of it but it took all of that to shape who I am today. And I'm pretty happy with who I am today. If my 19yo neighbor were poaching and I knew it, I would confront both the father and the son. I would also let them know I would be calling "Operation Game Thief" if I learned of ANY further illegal activity concerning game laws. Criminal laws other than game laws I'm calling Constable Wylie right NOW! A double standard I know. I can live with that.
I guess I am a hard ars or something. A law breaker is a law breaker at what ever age. Yea, go to the dad and give him the heads up if you want. If it doesn't change, he gets turned in. Alot of my family had run ins with the law. Several were before the age of 19 and they all moan and groan bithc and complain about how they were unjustly punished yada yada. Then they all get mad because I tell them they done wrong and they need to keep their mouths shut and do the time. They deserve it. In fact, my cousin (more like a brother) got into alot of heat and had to do 2 years in the pen, all the family was upset when they brought it up and I told them he got what he deserves. To say a 19 year old is still a kid is bull crap IMO. I have a 9 year old son and I am doing my best to install in him moral values. If he screws up after that, I will still love him but he has to pay the piper. America is the way it is IMO becuase to many parents do not hold their children accountable for jack crap and then get all up set when Bobby Joe has run in with the law. If you as a parent did not discipline your child and teach him right from wrong as a child then MR. Leo has to. If he was taught and does wrong, he has made HIS decision and should be punish accordingly. BTW, when I was 19 I had been married a year and had my son on the way working full time, and buying a house. I guess that was pretty good for a "kid". None of my post is directed at anyone. In fact, I can't even remember who said what, I just read straight through. This is just my opinion. As far as LC, he was not taught right from wrong from his father and IMO s NOT remorseful, just sad he got caught. Props to who ever turned him in.
I tell ya in this day and age if a 19 year old doesn't know right from wrong they are in for a long hard life!
I drank and drove when I was 19 one time and I got pulled over for speeding.... the cop wrote me for speeding and told me to slow down. If there was a guy that pulled behind me and told the policeman that I was weaving real bad and the officer gave me the test .... I would have been convicted of a crime .... JUSTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would have had NO ONE to blame but myself!!! The guy was 19!! I wish I was the one that blew him in ... the man's crime was found because he, like most idiot criminals, bragged on it .... Some say "it was a"just for fun" contest", WHAT THE HECK DIFFERENCE DOES THAT MAKE?! He was a deceiving idiot that got busted!! HE WAS NOT INNOCENT!!! this world never ceases to amaze me ...