"Better men" than me must sleep great at night, knowing that they successfully snitched out a dumb little kid, hundreds of miles away. It takes a big man to tattle on a 12 year old.
Well, maybe that's why kids don't listen to anyone anymore because they aren't held accountable for their actions anymore!!
From what I'm reading I'm assuming this kid was a minor? How old was he when this occured? Even if he was young, I can't imagine what goes though a person's to make them pull stuff like that. As for the comment about becoming a "better fisherman" because he can't hunt, that's ridiculous.
Don't fret it Steve, he just has a personal agenda. It's not about the kid, again, there were adults present and adults who were targeted. This kid/teenager/young adult whatever you want to call him, was taught a very valuable lesson in life and hopefully, hopefully one that will better him. But alas, his response still doesn't reflect. But more importantly, adult poachers found justice as well. That's the real issue and again, I applaud (.. ......) for his part. Can you blame me for keeping his name out of it though he didn't ask. How sad that personal feelings blind reason and sound judgement.
Hey Rob, I know your not looking for a pat on the back but I applaud the both of you!!! No doubt in my mind that you guys did the right thing!
It is really sad the kid had such horrid role models in his dad and uncle. They made him a poacher and hopefully he learned his lesson so he doesn't pass it down to his kids/nephews/nieces in the future. If he was a minor at the time... I hope they nailed the dad and uncle worse because they are the ones really to be blame for his upbringing. While I can see Fran's point about turning in a kid as I would have a hard time doing that... I wouldn't lose any sleep turning in the adults in this situation. Hopefully they lose some sleep for leading thier kids astray and teaching them to be cheaters in life. Pathetic !!! Tim
Kicked it???.........hell, the family dog shooters of the world get a free pass if the thing was running a lousy deer but this kid needed to be strung up by his sack in public on NUMEROUS occasions because he entered a gun kill in a for fun online "contest"......some people take themselves WAAAAAY to seriously. I remember getting blasted by countless people for pointing out Don Higgins is a convicted hunting crimminal (and that his book SUCKS)..........but this must be different (I guess because Don wasn't in the holy "contest" ) Amen.
The "Kid" was 19 at the time.....he was on my team. He was old enough to know better and got the same treatment as any other poacher that gets caught.
There are DEFINITE personal issues going on when guys on a forum take sides with a GROWN ADULT POACHER !!! A couple of you have put yourselves in one heck of an unfavorible light ... you are defending a criminal!
Well Rob, the numbers don't lie. There were probably 500 people in the contest, and the vast majority of whom were well aware of LK's illegal actions - but do you care to pose a guess as to how many of those individuals picked up the phone to squeal to the LEO about it? One. Apparently, the other 499 people were satisfied just seeing him booted from the contest and humiliated in public. BUT, that still wasn't enough for some of you. See, there's a very distinct reason that we all weren't diving for the telephone the second that this story broke. Likewise, there's a very distinct reason that you hesitate to post the tattletale's name. Potential incarceration for a kid who will never even get the satisfaction of facing-up to his accuser. That's a pretty heavy load to bear for a kid whose adult life never even got off the ground. He will carry that record around with him for the rest of his life, wearing it like a scarlet letter. Some of us understand that. Those are big consequences, trumped-up by a couple guys, hundreds of miles away, who apparently have nothing better to do with their time than to play internet policeman from the solice of their computer chair. 500 people were aware of the situation. One person called. So don't paint me as being the obnoxious minority here. I did exactly what the other 499 did. I was glad to see him get tossed from the contest, but I was more than content for the story to end right there. Unfortunately for him, it didn't.
Fran, honestly answer this question. Should you, or we look the other way when a 19 year old breaks the law? What if he robbed a 7/11 with a knife? Do you give him the benefit of the doubt then so that the Scarlet letter doesn't follow him around? In his own words, he said had he not been caught he would have likely continued the lifestyle. At what level do we stop looking the other way? I have a feeling the "tattletail" as you call him will respond with all the facts. Also, Fran, please tell me, and the rest of us why you made him out to be 12 when he was 19? Isn't it just because (and we can get it in the open), you don't care for me? You'd rather support a poacher just to get digs in at me? Hell, it's obvious that's atlas' stance.
He wasn't a KNOWN poacher at the time of the public humiliation he endured.......sure hindsight is 20/20 but how many people and how many threads would we see talking about this if the deer ended up being shot legally........just outside the rules of the almighty "contest"?? None. The ONLY thing that was SUSPECTED at the time of the event was that the deer was shot with a gun instead of a bow. A simple removal of his entry with a PM to his captain and him was all that was needed. Instead we ended up with a grand standing public display of juvenile behavior. I'm not defending anything he did by any means........but let's be honest here, all anyone THOUGHT he did was fib in a for fun online "contest".........and the reaction by some people was like the kid spit at the Pope while wearing the flag as a diaper.
Let the record show I google Rob all the time I remember a few taking shots at you, I wonder where they are.
Read closer Tony........no one is defending poaching......or the kid for that matter. My point made long ago was that the ONLY thing the kid was even SUSPECTED of doing at the time he got a PUBLIC lynching was enter a scrub buck in a fun "contest" online........that MAY have been shot with a gun. I thought the treatment he received in suspicion of simply that was ludicrous.....still do. I have no simpathy for him or anyone else who breaks the law........but we weren't discussing the law at that time.........just a stupid "contest" No one is defending criminal behavior.......although it is curious as to why no one cared abut Higgins and in fact defended him when I brought up his criminal hunting past.
Thank god the Internet Police were on the scene... Whatever Rob. Agree to disagree. I just wouldn't have called. I'd have done exactly what the other 499 people did, and left well-enough alone. Fact. There are lots of glass houses out there...
I guess it would be all the same if he had cheated in the contest and then broke into your house and raped your wife the next day? Still feel like he's just a kid that made a little immature mistake? You guys that defend someone who breaks the law (or lies in a "for fun" contest) have very little morals and I worry about the future of "your" children. Did you ever prove without doubt that Don commited a crime? I think not, because you can not. And I do not even like some of what he does.