still kinda new to this board and maybe a slight highjack but, has there ever been a thread on here that has been locked?
I'm getting in on this a little late and I'm not going to say much... I will be 18 in a little over a month. Do I know poaching is wrong, yes, I do. Like many have said, kids make mistakes, that's a true statement. We've all done things that we regret and shouldn't have done. We've probably all been "caught" to some extent or been in a sticky situation where you could recieved serious punishment and didnt, probably because someone gave you a break. This kid, deserved what he got, but I wouldn't have been the one to turn him in. I'm in no way condoning it, nor am I saying turning him in was wrong, but I personally wouldn't have done it. You guys are right with this kid in particular though, he's only sorry because he got caught. I just think some "other" alternative actions could have been taken. I'm in no way justifying his actions, or saying turning him in was wrong.
NEW, very well done. You see however, each quote (and your missing the quote that each is replying too) is in direct reply to the first stone that was casted. There are others who disagree with me and I did not single them out, take you for instance, did you not disagree with me and did I attack you? I respect both sides of story but Frans initial response degraded the gentleman who turned them in. Of course I take offense to that, I think you missing a pile of history. There is so much you do not know. I take no ill feelings from your post nor you. I needn't do the same quoting using the others as example as it would show both sides of the story. Is that truly all you see?
I'll say one thing, because everything else has been said a dozen different ways. I don't buy the arguement, kids make mistakes. At least not when it comes to 99 percent of the game violations. People bend the law to suit their perceived needs. A 19 year old hunter didn't make a "mistake". It was a life style for he and his relatives it appears. There are mistakes and there are violations. No appology was given. One thing in life noone can take from you.... it's your integrity and honesty. You're the only one that can ruin that. The whole thing came to light because he himself had chose to be dishonest and dump any integrity he had.
Here is Quiks post and the entire thread is there for all to re-read if any feel I am taking it out of context. It reads very much like his opinion to me. I don't view it as degrading. And from there it all went south. I am sure there is history which I am unaware of but what I see in this thread is what I commented on. Imagine you knew nothing about the usernames here and read this thread and stand outside of yur own shoes for a second, do you not see any "venom" in your tone? Your initail responses to a certain group were immediately defensive and bashing. Everything after that is just the natural deterioration of things. I will not pretend to know the dynamics of your relationships/history with other forum members and no you did not attack me it just seems like your personal differences with others were outweighing the actual topic. I could be reading it wrong though, no ill will here either.
I agree and at the same time I know he is only 19 and not a lost cause just yet. He can rebuild his integrity, he can change. How many here would mentor this kid or one similiar to him in hunting(and other things for that matter) after his suspension if he asked? How many would give him a second chance if at some point he started posting amongst us again? How many here have been given a second chance to change yourself for the better? How did you answer the first 2 questions?
I found his post very degrading to the gentleman that turned him in and your right, I take implications and shared fault for taking this into a spiral south. I apologize. Perhaps you don't perceive it as directly as I do, ergo the history. Outside looking in, I feel you are just in your opinion. The gentleman who "tattled" (first offensive word) is a retired veteran of our military and someone I hold alot of respect for. If you knew, you'd feel the same way. I don't consider him a "tattle tail", that is very juvenile. The whole posted implicated, to me anyway that he was wrong in doing so when I perceive it much differently. Again, the whole story is not in the light. What he did was commendable and the majority finds that to be the case. I again, NEW to you and to Fran if that was taken in the totally wrong context apologize but if I am correct in my perception, I have to stand for my response. Only he can tell us differently. I do however NEW, didn't the pile on effect and I think we both know what that was. As per the thread, it can be closed, deleted or whatever, or hell ya'll can run with it, I'm out. NEW, much appreciated.
Mentor, teach, and discipline. The guy needs someone to do it and it would not be my first to do so. Maybe not in the hunting world but in general that is what I do anyway. I do beleive we deserve second chances but I also believe in paying the price and being held accountable for your own actions no matter how old you are. Count me in!
I really believe God allowed that guy to get busted ... for some reason, God didn't allow me to have a federal offence on my record ..... but if I got busted, I would have deserved it .... period
I would hope so PT but I'm not sure I fully believe he would be accepted back with open arms, hell we can't even get along with each other. :d
There would absolutely be trust issues .... but the guys on here would accept a sincere (keyword) apology ... then again, could be an 80 year old, 500 pound women for all I know ... this IS the internet after all :d