Some of you might remember, some of you may not. lethalconnection was a kid in our bowhunting contest whom thought he could break not only the contest rules but Alberta's game laws. He shot a buck in the head with a rifle/slug gun and posed in the contest with his bow. Well many came to me (you can name yourself) saying they knew something was definitely NOT RIGHT with the photo. Doing a little detective work, I found pictures of him posing with the same buck with his gun, as well with others with his gun. I asked him to come clean, he lied (lowest form of human). I gave him an opportunity to come clean again. (Still lied). I publically called him out in the contest forum asking for captains opinions and thoughts, still he lied and I got berated by several members but despite all the negative criticism, the overwhelming positive reassurance by respected members pushed on. Another outstanding member here took upon himself to contact the local authorities who looked into the events surrounding the fraud on HNI. (he can name himself as well). The results were, the young man was prosecuted by the Alberta State and Game as well as others surrounding this young man. Part of the resolution beyond the fines and revocations of his hunting permits/licenses was a public apology. I'm assuming since we banned this young man from our forums, we didn't get that public apology but here is the results. Public Apology Post Enjoy.
wow ..... I definitely remember that incident ... I also remember the uncalled BS you got, Rob ..... the guy doesn't seem sorry to me ...still seems like the same ole LethalConnection
I too remember the incident. Very sad. Like PT said, he doesn't seem sorry, he seems sorry that he got caught. He talks about "taking his punishment" but when others call him out on it he gets very defensive.
he maybe only sorry b/c he got caught, however, "and Jesus said, let he who is without sin cast the first stone" I forgive this young man and time will tell if he has learned,we are not his Judge.
Oh yeah, I remember that well. I was a Captain that year. I remember all the crap you took for enforcing the rules but you made the right decision. I Said disqualify because i knew in my heart that something was just not right, and now we know the truth!! Im glad he is at last fessing up to everything, maby that is what it will tak to change his life and i really hope it does!! Thanks for filling us in Rob'o!!
yeh..Im casting away..:d I don't really care, I just love that quote from the Bible, always have and use whenever I can He gets what he deserves!! I was waiting to see how long it would take for you to chime Tony. :d
I remember that TARD. I thought the contest picture was fishy at first I thought it was a road kill. Later found out that he poached it. I think Rob did a hell of a job defending himself against attacks from that. Even after I read through his post I still think he's a F TARD
I agree, he's only sorry because he got caught. He didn't turn himself in, he was turned in, big difference! What year was the is that contest on HNI, is the original thread still around???
Hmmmmm... I remember this. the quote that comes to mind after reading his post, "I ain't yer son, and I ain't easy, so you can take sorry and shove it up yer..." :D I keed, I keed. If nothing else, hopefully it'll make him and the next guy think a little harder before they do something stupid.
Rob, Thanks for posting as I was wondering what ever happened to him also seeing he was on my team at the time.. Working in law enforcement and seeing all kinds of people good bad and in the middle words on here will not tell us if he is sorry or not, only time will tell and trust me in three years he will be watched and he will have to take a path once again. We all as hunters can only hope he takes the right path for the animals sake and his.. Everyone needs and should deserve to have second chances and I will not throw the first stone either.. Walt
I do remember that. I also seem to remember that is was a average buck as far as antlers. $4700 I hope he learned his lesson.