11 years to be exact, since he killed a buck with his bow. That streak is officially over. We obviously told the whole story on our YouTube channel, link below: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nice! Those streaks can be long and grueling. Happy for the lad. Its Good to get that monkey off your back
I lurk around, doesn’t seem like many people post anymore and share stories like they used to. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I would agree and I don’t muddle through that much. I do miss the old forums days of sitting down on computer with my morning coffee and checking in with everyone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ah the good old days.....where rancid was around, tony was here daily, Cole held his tape measure very tightly, target practice at a 100 yards with tennis balls were common and so were trophy photos in a field of flowers ....and so much more.
Nothing beats a good photo op of a turkey in a field of flowers! Haha. Just wish he would have showed a turkey mount, not him mounting a turkey! Lol Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
The dude is on a roll. He packed up his truck after killing that Ohio buck, rolled out to Montana and on the first day of his public land DIY hunt he smoked his first Mule Deer. Now he’s off to the NW portion of the state to hunt elk. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I finally got around to watching the entire video and I’m glad I did. Great video, great story and great back-story/history. That was a pleasure to watch. I think what I most enjoyed is how authentic it was. A few beer cans, a few bad words and family and friends doing what we all love to do. I’d have been right there with you with a beer in my hand, and just so you know my vote would have been 100% dead based on the video, especially if I had known his set up. Well done, and congratulations to Isaac.
Thank you for the true and honest review. I watch ALOT of hunting shows on YouTube, and one thing we’ve ALL noticed is how they cut a lot out. Shows are afraid to show some beer, they are afraid to show a little language, they are afraid to be real, even though almost everyone who watches acts that way. It’s kind of astonishing actually. We have always vowed from day 1 to not cut corners. Yeah I will cutout some talk that the audience doesn’t need to hear (sexual conquests and yadda yadda) but when it comes to the deer and the track and the story your going to get the truth. I have a legendary deer playlist on YouTube full of nights like this and other stories if your interested in more of this kind of thing. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEPpw3GjEHuLVK3FYsUOx1nU8ZhSsmS05 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
An update on my brother. I know it’s not a bow kill but his Montana mule deer video is up: And also he got his first mount home from the taxidermists the other day: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk