I am new to the sport of archery, obviously. I have a question about releases. What is the differences between my 20 dollar trufire and say some other 100 dollar release? I hope this isn't a common question that everyone is tired of answering. Thanks for your replies and time.
I used to use a cheaper release but know use a more expensive one. I feel the difference is in the quality of materials and the higher tolerances in the factory. You can adjust the more expensive ones quiet a bit, and they tend to be more comfortable in my opinion. Either usually work fine though.
Really is all about feel. The cheaper releases generally are less refined and not as smooth as a high end release. For example high end releases you can adjust and change springs to customize the tension. Either will work fine once you get used to them. Once just is a little more adjustable. I would recommend buying what ever is in your budget and them later get a highend release if you like later. Say birthday or some other special event.
In a lot of cases you get what you pay for. Tru Fire, Scott and others are very good releases. Like Copperhead said, buy what you can in your budget and upgrade later.
Thanks Y'all for the replies so far just got back from the lake. I've been thinking of upgrading to maybe a Scott or a Tru-ball.