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Reflections of my 08-09 season...

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Finch, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. Finch

    Finch Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 27, 2008
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    There were a few changes that the VA Dept of Game implemented this year. This biggest change was the fact they instituted the Earn-a-buck program in certain counties of Virginia. Just my luck, one of my favorite hunting grounds just happened to be within that zone. Virginia decided to change things up a bit regarding the EAB laws as opposed to other states. We're allowed to kill one buck right off the bat but we must take a doe before taking the second buck and another doe before the third buck.

    Going into the season taking note of this change; I decided I would take a doe as soon as the shot presented itself. Boy, what a goal I had set for myself! I had more shot opportunities on bucks this season than I had does. I'M NOT COMPLAINING but when hunting within a EAB zone; it certainly wasn't something one would expect.

    I shot a buck (that I'm still very proud of) on October 13th. I knew that when I first saw him (even though I knew he wasn't the biggest buck I would lay eyes on for the year) that he was a shooter. What I DIDN'T know was that taking a doe afterward would not be as easy of a task. Before I knew it, I was presented with two different opportunities at two nice bucks within two days of one another. The most notable of the two was a 30 yard shot on one of the biggest bucks I had seen in the deer woods. The date was October 28th and it was the windiest day I had ever hunted. I remember because I was afraid my tree was going to blow over with me in it! Standing only thirty yards away was a no-brainer P&Y 10 pointer but I hadn't killed my EAB doe yet. Did I think about shooting him anyway? The thought crossed my mind. He was a beauty of a buck but that was no excuse. The "old me" would have but my ways have changed. I hope some of you can see beyond that part of my past. If you don't...I really don't care. I don't mind admitting it because I now know it's wrong and holding back that momentary urge felt great AND still does. I've been a "changed" hunter for several years now.

    Anyway, I moved on from that point and ended up killing my EAB doe (which turned out to be a BB) on Halloween. Now, I was ready to set my sights on the big boy. I hunted my butt off for that buck but never saw him again. I then decided to move to a different part of the property. That is when I discovered a "new" goal. I nicknamed him Casper because of his brilliantly white antlers and grayish-white face. He was another nice P&Y buck that had very tall white antlers. Long story short story; I ended seeing this guy about 5-6 times. It was like a game of chess and he always had me in check, just one step ahead of me. I ignored my gut one day and didn't move my stand which resulted in me watching "my" buck walking right through where I'd thought about setting up. I also had a chance at him a week before the season's close, at 20 yards. However, a younger buck spotted me drawing back and alerted Casper to this threat. For the next week, I hunted for him everyday. Taking more vacation hours and shorter work days still didn't yield me with the results I had hoped for. The season was over. I did take a doe the morning of the season's close but it wasn't Casper.

    I put in just under 200 hours bow hunting this year. I witnessed and learned quite a few new things this year. I am saddened that I didn't reach my goal but I am soooo grateful that I can climb a tree, draw a bow back, or even drag a deer out of the woods. I don't forget that there are people out there that envy me of these things everyday.

    Below is a graph of my buck sightings. The blue is the total number of bucks I saw for that particular day and the purple is the number of mature bucks I had seen (the windy day buck and Casper). Other big bucks were seen but the aforementioned two were in different categories than any others I had seen. I have also included pics of my season's success.


  2. Vito

    Vito Grizzled Veteran

    Dec 5, 2008
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    West MI
    Good read and sounds like a great season. Congrats on taking 3 whitetails this season! I also struggled to take a doe early on. Seems like I had bucks under me every sit, but all were young. Couldn't get a doe in range if I tried until late in the season.
  3. Finch

    Finch Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Jeff...thanks for the kind gestures. I'd love to make it back down to NC to hang out again. No, I haven't really mentioned the wedding. Honestly, I haven't posted much at all since that time. I just posted in the water cooler some pics of the wedding and honeymoon. You'll have to check them out. We had a great time and everything is going well. Thanks for the doe tips. I'll keep that in mind. I definitely don't want to be put in the same situation next season.

    Vito...thanks man. I've never experienced more opportunities at bucks than does until this year. We must be doing something right. :cool:
  4. Schultzy

    Schultzy Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Great read Finch, I like these threads!! Congrats on a fine season and also congrats on getting married.

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